Chapter 1

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Hope you guys like it :)


Amy's POV:

I sigh as I take a step into the cafeteria. I was just only beginning my Junior year in high school and I didn't know what to expect.

It looked just like it was last year, nothing had changed.

Julie and I walked towards the table - our table. Julie was the closest friend I had, not like those fake bitches. She was average height, about 5'5" and had fair skin. Her deep brown eyes highlighted her emotions reacting to her world around her.

I on the other hand was only 5"1 and had blue eyes, reminding me of a lake on a stormy day. I guess I got it from my mom.

"Hey, Amy!" Julie practically shouted, throwing me a banana.

"What?!" I say in a sarcastically enthusiastic way.

"Did I tell you that my cousin is coming to visit?"

"Visit or stay?" I say curiously ask shoving the rest of the banana in my mouth.

"Stay. Why so eager hmm?"

The truth was, I wanted to meet her cousin. It was Cameron Dallas for goodness sake. But I couldn't let him know that, it would just be awkward. So I decided I would just try and forget about it. I didn't want to get my hopes up on something that is never gonna happen!


"Huh?" I groan, not realizing that I had been daydreaming for a good 7 minutes.

"C'mon we're gonna be late for class" and with that, Julie basically drags me away.


Finally, classes are over. I run to my locker knowing that if I don't get there in time, I'll have to wait for a long time (due to people blocking it). As I run, I bump into someone, causing me to drop my books.

It was Matthew Espinosa.

He was the class clown and extremely cocky and obnoxious. Although, he had this strange charm that I hated myself for liking.

"What do you want Matt?" I say scrambling to pick up my books.

"You know what I want!" He teases, now playing with my hair.

"Just leave me alone, please" I smack his hand.

He pushes me up against the locker and I struggle to get out of his grip, but it is no use. He was stronger than me. He leans in, but as he does, thank God Julie came to my rescue.

"What were you doing back there?"

I hesitate. "I-I don't know". I say. She eyed me.

Suddenly, Julie starts pulling me outside the school and just runs away.

"Catch me if you can!!!" she shouted.

But I wasn't bothered to catch up with her so I walked home...alone.

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