Chapter 12 | Plan

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Sorry for the long wait! I was (and am still) very busy. I barely had any time to write. Anyway, I'm not exactly happy with this chapter, which explains the shortness of it.


A tool for amusement.

Apparently, that was her role in this war.

Asami was furious, hurt and disgusting by the sickening intentions of the caster of this horrid jutsu. It was already inhuman to bring people back to life, but to do that for petty reasons like entertainment made it worse.

Frustration and anger bottled up, and Asami felt ready to let it all out. This was simply too much to take in. She didn't want this, never asked for this.

She wanted to be released from this curse that had trapped her in the world of the living.

But going now, without getting all the answers to her questions, was not an option. Asami realized now that she'd been living in oblivion. Never did she know that Madara lived while she believed he had died, and he was also carrying more burdens on his shoulders than Asami knew of. To continue this oblivion was something Asami absolutely did not want. She wasn't going to join Kouta just yet, not without knowing everything about him.

But where was she supposed to start?

''Starting a war was also not a part of my plan.'' Madara continued, watching her closely. ''But it's a necessity now. I need to obtain the last tailed beasts which are crucial for the next step.''

Asami was secretly grateful to the Uchiha for keeping the conversation going, for she had no idea what to ask or say before. Exhaling deeply, she dropped her hand next to her body, gripping the fabric of her kimono which was now covered in mud and sand from when she was pinned to the ground with a sword. She didn't pay attention to it though, and neither did Madara. ''What exactly is your plan?'' Asami asked softly. She felt tired, mentally exhausted, and thus didn't feel the need to speak firmly and clear anymore. 

''I want to bring peace to the world. End all conflicts. This is simply the last battle needed to achieve that.''

Madara was serious about this, and Asami knew that. The determined look in his eyes told her that, but he should know better than this. 

It's impossible to end conflict.

''How do you plan to achieve peace?'' Asami spoke curiously. Something felt wrong. If Madara truly wanted peace, then why were the people from the villages fighting against him? Was it because of the kind of peace Madara wanted? Or did it have something to do with the tailed beasts Madara needed for his plan?

Asami had heard about them before. Keiji told her about Mito, who became the host of the Nine-Tails after Madara and Hashirama's fight. She didn't know how Madara would use them, but it couldn't be anything good.

''The Infinite Tsukuyomi.'' Madara answered, his reply short, but there wasn't much more to say about it. ''In other words, a genjutsu.''

Asami froze, doubting if she heard and understood him clearly. ''..A genjutsu?'' She whispered unbelievingly.

Madara easily noticed her disapproval. He had expected it, but it was hard to swallow that even Asami didn't understand the idea behind his plan. ''Everyone will be trapped in a genjutsu. They'll be living their dream.'' He spoke.

Asami pursed her lips. ''Will that be true peace though?'' She asked carefully. Angering him was the last thing she wanted. It wasn't criticism, but simply a question which Asami wanted to hear his opinion of.

''This is the only way.'' Madara answered firmly, and Asami clenched her jaw.

She understood that Madara wanted a world devoid of war. He lost his brothers during some of the countless battles he fought, and even Konoha, which was supposed to represent the peace he'd achieved, was a failed attempt according to him. But even if this was the only way, it is not the answer to a tranquil world. It won't be a real world, and there won't be real peace.

It would be an illusion.

But she wouldn't tell him that. Cowardice kept her from doing so.

''Why now?'' Asami decided to ask instead. ''This generation has nothing to do with us. Why do you wish to create peace even after your death, for people you don't even know?''

Madara sighed. He understood her curiosity, but he was getting impatient. He wanted to go back to the battlefield and bring an end to this war. ''I died before being able to finish and execute my plan. I left a few tasks to a certain person who'd make sure that I'd be revived when the time was there.''

Asami shook her head, as if she wanted to deny that she'd heard him say that. Was Madara really this obsessed with his plan? Did the Uchiha clan turning his back on him and the unequal power over Konoha drove him this far? He wasn't treated fairly, so he wanted to create a fair world without any conflicts.

Asami understood that, but meddling with the lives of people he wasn't even supposed to meet was unforgivable to her.

''You need to stop this.''

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