Chapter One

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"Come on Bella baby. Want to go dance? Want to watch mummy dance?" I cooed. Tickling my 3 year old daughter Isobelle.

Bella loved dancing, almost as much as I did, I had been dancing for 16 years, since I was three years old. I was a ballerina. And had worked hard to be as good as I was. Bella was just starting lessons, but was ALWAYS dancing around our flat, it was just a part of her.

"Dance with me mummy!" Bella exclaimed, throwing her arms up to me.

I chuckled and scooped her up, spinning her around and kissing her loudly on the cheek. Bella giggled, squirming in my arms.

Once I set her down, she gave me a serious look.

"Mummy? Where's daddy?'' she asked softly, and my heart broke at the confuse look on her face.

"Daddy's....missing for awhile sweetie. We just..need to find him. Okay?"

She thought for a minute before nodding her head, her bouncy brown ringlets bouncing around her bright green eyes.

"okay! I'm going to go play now!" she told me before running off, her pink tutu fluttering around her.

I sighed and slumped down at my kitchen table, holding my head in my hands. Bella was asking for her dad everyday. And it killed me not to be able to tell her where he was. I would need to soon. But...I couldn't...not yet.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, dialing the only phone number I'd ever bothered to memorize in my life. It rang three times before someone answered.

"Lucy! How are you love?!"

"I'm good Lou. I wanted to know if you were busy right now actually.."

Louis Tomlinson. yes, from One Direction. He was my best friend, and had been for years.

"I'm free anytime you need me babe." he said cheekily. "Did you and Bells want to come over? I can send Harry out for awhile.."

I bit the inside of my lip. If Harry saw her, everything would be over. Bella was the spitting image of Harry, she hardly looked like me at all, she was all her father's child. Acted like him too. Louis was the only one who knew the truth. And he had helped me with it, and with Bella.

"Sure. We'll head over now." I smiled.

"Great. I'll go kick old Haz out now. The things I do for you love." he teased.

I laughed and hung up the phone.

"Belly! Want to go see Uncle Lou?!'' I called, walking towards her room.

"UNCLE LOU!" she yelled, bounding out to meet me.

I laughed again.

"Yes! We get to go play! Come on come on let's go!"

She hopped out of the room, and I grabbed her white pea coat to protect her from the cold London air.

"Hurry mummy!" she called, excitement on her voice.

She loved going to Lou's house. He was like a giant 3 year old, they got along well.

I pulled my red pea coat on, pulling my black waist length curls out of the top, letting them fall. Checking to make sure my red lipstick wasn't smudged, I scooped Bella up into my arms, and began to walk to Lou's flat, which was only about ten minutes up the street.

Bella chattered the whole way, tugging on the beanie the was on my head every so often, or playing with the plugs in my ears. She was fascinated by them.

"We're here!'' I told her, setting her down. She ran up the stairs in excitement, leaning against the door to open it, when suddenly it opened and she tumbled inside, into someone.

"I'm sorry love!" a British accented man exclaimed, settling her upright. My breath caught in my throat, and I swear my heart stopped. can't be...

Bella squinted her eyes, looking hard at him when her eyes widened.

"Daddy?" I heard her exclaim.

A pair of electric green eyes looked confused at me and then widened in horror when they settled on me. Shit.

"Hi Harry...."

[***[EDITING]***] Dancing Styles (Harry Styles Fanfic) (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now