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"Oh my god Cristina." I say rolling my eyes.

"What!? I'm just curious." She whines. I laugh and shake my head.

"No we have not done it." I say feeling my cheeks heat up slightly.

"Seriously? I mean I shouldn't be surprised Harry is kind of a geek still." She jokes. I swat her arm and she laughs.

"We're just waiting for the perfect time I guess. I don't know. Just leave me alone." I whine. She laughs.

"Oh shut up." She says. I laugh and she looks down at her phone. She groans loudly and lays on her back.

"What?" I ask.

"I have to go to work." She says sitting up. I chuckle. "What are you doing today?" She asks.

"Harry was gonna come over and we're probably gonna see a movie or something." I say shrugging.

"You know sometimes your guys relationship makes me wanna puke because of how much time you spend together." She says rolling her eyes. I laugh at her.

"I'll see you later okay?" I say getting up.

"I'll text you." She says opening my door.

"Byeee!" I call out.

"Bye bitch." She jokes. I laugh and she closes my door. I grab my phone and text Harry.

To: Harry💓
Hey when do you get off work again?

From: Harry💓
In like a half hour

To: Harry💓
Okay yay! My front door will be unlocked so you can just come upstairs

From: Harry💓
Alright babe see you in a little

I turn my phone off and set it aside. I turn on my tv and just flip through the channels. I don't really watch tv. Mostly Netflix. It's just better.

I go on my phone and my scroll through Instagram and whatnot. Bored out of my mind.

As I look up from my phone I hear a knock downstairs.

I furrow my eyebrows and get up from my bed. Maybe Harry was joking and is here now.

I quickly run down the stairs and go to the door. I twist the door handle and open it slowly. I start to smile but it immediately goes away.

Brett stands on the other side of the door.

He opens his mouth to say something but I shut the door.

His hand stops me from closing it. He pushes it back open and I glare at him.

"Cameron please," He starts. I look at him. "Can we talk please?" He asks. I scoff.

"You've had many opportunities to talk and every time I end up crying. So I'm okay Brett." I say coldly. I try to shut the door again but he stops me again.

"Just give me ten minutes thats all." He says. I search his face for anything but he genuinely looks sincere. I sigh and hesitate but finally open my door wide enough for him to step in.

He walks in and sits on the couch. I sit next to him and scoot away slightly.

We're both silent and I stare at him awkwardly.

"I just wanted to come and just make some things right," he says quietly. He doesn't look at me as he speaks though. "I can't stop thinking about you. B-but mostly what I did to you and I'm really sorry Cam. I mean that. I never meant to get out of hand like I did and I just want to make things right with you." He says as he looks at me. I raise my eyebrows slightly.

I can tell when Brett is bullshitting me or not and right now he's not.

My hard glare now softens as I take in what he just said.

"Brett," I say quietly. "I forgive you. I do. I've just never seen you like that. I still wanna be your friend. It just may take some time. Especially with Harry." I say. He furrows his eyebrows and stands up suddenly. I give him a confused look.

"Cameron are you serious? You're gonna let your boyfriend stop you from forgiving me?" He says raising his voice. I stand up now.

"I told you I forgive you Brett." I tell him. He shakes his head and chuckles sarcastically. He paces slightly in front of the door. I walk over to him and give him an angry look.

"Why can't you just let this Harry thing go Brett?" I ask calmly. He takes in a deep breath and shakes his head. He still doesn't answer me.

"Answer the question Brett." I say crossing my arms. He runs a hand through his hair.

"Because I'm still in love with you Cameron. I'm still in love with you!" He yells taking a step forward.

I stare at him wide eyed and don't say anything at first.

"Brett you can't-"

Before I could finish my sentence Brett grabs both sides of my face and presses his lips against mine. Yet again.

I try to push him off of me but he keeps his grip on me.

And then I hear the door open. Brett loses his grip on me and I shove him back.

I look at the door and my heart drops.

Harry's stands there and stares at us both. Brett scoffs and walks past Harry, out of the door.

"Harry." I say quietly. He stares at me with his eyes wide and his mouth slightly hung open. He starts shaking his head.

"What Harry."

"What do you mean what?!" He yells. I flinch and my eyes start filling with tears.

"Why was he here Cameron? More importantly why were you kissing him?" He shouts. A tear rolls down my face.

"I-I wasn't he kissed me Harry." I say. I try and talk loudly but my voice comes out weak.

"Bullshit! You were kissing him back Cameron I saw you." He says throwing his hands up.

"I couldn't get away from him! I pushed him away!" I say raising my voice slightly. He scoffs and shifts his weight on his other leg.

"You only pulled away when I came in Cameron! That's the only reason." He says. I shake my head.

"No it's not! Stop assuming things. You know how Brett is. He's done this before!" I yell.

"You could've been lying to me then too." He says. I stare at him shocked. I take a step back from him.

"Are you seriously calling me a liar?" I ask him. He doesn't say anything. He looks at the floor.

"Get out." I snap. He lifts his head up.

"What?" He says quietly.

"If you can't trust me then we're done Harry. Get out of my house." I choke out.


"Get out!" I yell. The tears slip from my eyes rapidly now. I see his eyes start filling with tears and that makes me cry even more.

He gives me one last look before he pushes the door open and walks out. The door closes and then I break down into sobs.

What did I just do?


Thank you guys for 4K reads!!! Almost at 5k which is fricken amazing.

Sorry for not updating, like I said I usually update when I get a certain amount of reads on my last update. It's kind of confusing but it's whatever.

Thanks for reading!

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