Dinner with Anne

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Uh warning!! some smut in this so just be careful ;)

"So when are you coming over?" Harry asks through the phone.

"Well the pie just got done and now I have to get ready." I say placing the pie on the counter.

"Ugh hurry." He whines. I roll my eyes and laugh.

"You know I don't take that long to get ready now shush. I have to go." I say.

"Alright just let me know when you're on your way." He says.

"Okay bye babe love you." I say quickly.

"Love you."  He replies and with that I hang up. I quickly go upstairs and get in the bathroom. I'm just going to take a quick body shower and then I'm good. I hop in and play my music, because we all know that I can not get ready without music.

Once I'm done with that I try and find an outfit. Probably one of the most difficult tasks in my opinion. I at least have to wear a somewhat nice dress. Nothing too fancy, nothing too casual. I scan my closet and see a couple dresses. One was an all black dress that has lace detailing in it. It's not too long or too short. Then I have a navy blue one that has little jewels on it. I like the black one better so I go with that.

I put it on and then start on my hair. I'm just going to straighten it because I don't have time to curl it. It doesn't take me long to straighten it and I quickly run a brush through it so it looks smoother. For makeup I fancy it up a little bit and add brown eyeshadow in my crease and a shimmery rose gold shade on my lid. Then I put on mascara, concealer, powder and some highlight. You already know I gotta have that highlight.

After I'm done I quickly get my purse and apply some deodorant and perfume. I brush my hair one more time then head downstairs. I throw on some low heeled heels and grab the pie.

I carefully walk to my car and set the pie on the passenger seat. Before I starts heading over there I text Harry and tell him I'm on my way. It's like a two minutes drive so I get there super quick. I grab the pie and straighten my dress. As I walk up to the door I'm about to knock but the door opens before I can. I raise my eyebrows and see Harry standing there with a smile.

"Wow Cam you look stunning." He says looking at me up and down. I laugh slightly and look at him. He's wearing a all black button up shirt and some black slacks. His shirt is tucked in which makes me smile. Just like Harry would do it when I first met him. He looks great though.

"You look really good too," I say as he hugs me. "My man knows how to clean up well." I say as he pulls away slightly. He smells so good. I kind of just want to hug him all night. He smiles at me.

"My moms in the kitchen kind of just setting up everything." He says stepping to the side. I walk in and look around. I recognize everything, because I have been in here before. But it wasn't as nice as it is now. I don't want to think about the last time I was in here. It was terrifying. I feel a hand on my lower back and I look up. Harry's giving me a concerned look.

"You okay?" He asks. I nod and smile quickly.

"Yeah no I'm fine." I tell him wrapping my free arm around his waist. He pauses but then smiles down at me. I look up and peck him on the lips. We both walk to the kitchen and I see a woman with her back faced towards us. I obviously recognize her from when we first met.

"Mom," Harry says. Anne stops doing what she's doing and turns around. "Cameron's here." He says. I smile at her and her face brightens immediately.

"Oh yay!" She says grinning. I laugh slightly. "Hi it's nice to see you again." She says walking towards me.

"It's nice to see you too," I say smiling at her. "I uh brought a pie it's apple." I say holding it out awkwardly.

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