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"Do we really have to go to school?" I ask groaning to Harry. He rolls his eyes and grabs my keys.

"Yes now come on we're gonna be late." He says walking out the door. I roll my eyes and follow him.

"I prefer the term making an entrance." I say walking next to him. He stops and turns to me. He wraps his arm around my waist and kisses me.

"Only you would say something like that." He says smiling. I smile back and peck him on the lips. We both get into my car and drive to school.

Every morning Harry comes over to my house and wakes me up. I never asked him to he just volunteered to do it. I honestly would be late everyday if it weren't for him. Then he just watches me get ready and then we eat together. And that's our morning routine.

Once we get to school we both grab our backpacks from the back of the car and then make our way into school. As we're walking he wraps his arm around me and I let him. We both agreed that we would be public but subtle about it at the same time. Not like making out in the hallways 24/7. Not like we would do that anyways. I was totally comfortable with Harry wrapping his arms around me and I don't care about what people say to us or say behind our backs. I'm happy and he's happy, that's all that matters.

Once we walk in the school as I expected some people's eyes were on us but nothing to crucial. I wasn't bothered though. I just kept my eyes on Harry.

"You have Mr. Grawl first period huh?" I ask him. He nods and I roll my eyes. "God he is the worst. He doesn't even teach he just sleeps. It sucks." I say. We walk to my locker and I open it.

"I agree. I thought I would be actually learning in that class but all we do is watch videos and take notes. I don't think I've ever seen him actually get up out of that damn roller chair." Harry says. I laugh and grab my English notebook.

"You're lucky though you don't have Mr. Miller." I say closing my locker.

  "Yeah I heard that guy is rough." He says leaning against the locker next to me.

  "Rough is an understatement." I say sighing. Then the bell rang. I mentally groaned.

  "I'll see you in third." Harry says.

"Yeah see you then." I say smiling. He smiles back and walks away. I watch him walk down the hall. Once he turns the corner I turn around. I look across from my locker and see Brett staring at me. I guess he saw me and Harry. His two friends were across from him talking and he doesn't leave his gaze from me. I quickly look to the ground and walk away. That was weird.

As the first two periods went by I finally got to go to my favorite class. Third period Biology. I mean I didn't like biology I just liked the fact that I have it with Harry. Me and him are lab partners too so that makes it even better.

I walk in the class and of course Harry is already in his seat waiting. I smile once I see him and sit down next to him. We sit in the back of the class in the middle row. I don't like sitting in the back because my vision sucks but the teacher never changes seats.

"Hey." I say sitting next to him. He looks up from his notebook.

"Oh hi." He mumbles and looks back down at his notebook. I furrow my eyebrows and shrug. Okay?

"Mr. Miller gave me an A on an assignment today. First time in a while actually." I say breaking the silence.

"Oh good for you." He says not looking at me. Okay did I do something wrong here? Why is he acting like this? I just stare at him.

"Cameron!" I hear the teacher call out. I snap my head up and she's staring at me. "I said everyone get out their notebooks please." She says walking back to her seat.

"Right sorry." I say getting out my notebook. I don't look or speak to Harry the whole rest of the period. I don't know what I did and he's obviously not telling me something.

As soon as the bell rings I grab my backpack and practically run out of the classroom.

"Cameron! Wait!" I hear someone call out. I don't turn around though because I know it's Harry. So he's going to ignore me all class period but now he wants to talk. I start rushing to my next period but he catches up to me.

"Cameron..." He says walking next to me.

"What do you want Harry?" I ask turning to him. He sighs and looks at me still not saying anything. "What the hell did I do?" I ask him.

"You didn't do anything Cameron I-"

"Then why were you ignoring me?" I ask keeping my voice down so I didn't attract any unwanted attention. He looks around and then looks back at me.

"You didn't do anything Cameron." He says looking at me.

"I obviously did. You don't just ignore someone for no reason Harry." I say crossing my arms. He doesn't say anything. "Look I gotta get to class..." I say turning away. He lightly grabs my arm to stop me and I face him again.

"Can we talk? Like after school. Please?" He asks. I look at him and sigh.

"Meet me at my place." I say and walk away. He just stands there but I ignore it. Since he wants to be difficult with me I'm going to be difficult with him.

After school I don't take Harry back to my place. I feel bad for not giving him a ride. I waited for him in my car after school for a while to see if he would come to my car and get in but he didn't. I assumed he just walked home so I drove back to my house. Once I got there I saw him sitting on my porch waiting. I felt a pang of quilt but I ignored it remembering the reason why he's here. I got out and walked over to him. I sat next to him and sighed.

"I'm sorry," he says after a while. "I didn't mean to be rude. I'm really sorry. It's just, I know you're going to hate me for this because I know we already talked about it. But I heard kids talk about us. About us dating and they were saying things about you. And I don't know I just felt like you don't deserve that. So I felt like I shouldn't be with you if this is what we get in return." He says looking down. I don't say anything at first.

"Harry. I would want to be with you if everyone in the world said something bad about us. Because I wouldn't care. And I don't care about people talking about me. It's okay. Assholes at our school shouldn't be the reason why we get into fights. I will always be with you Harry. Always." I say wrapping my arms around him. He rests his head on top of mine.

"I'll always be with you Cameron." He says. I smile. "I'm really sorry though. For ignoring you in third period." He says.

"It's okay now babe." I say sitting up. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. He kisses back and puts his hands on my waist. I pull away and rest my forehead on his.

"You wanna go inside and watch movies?" I ask him. He nods and we stand up. Our hands intertwined with each other's.

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