Co workers

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"Hey can you cover the register for me?" I turn my head and see Ethan standing there.

"Oh yeah sure." I say smiling. He stands there for a second and stares at me. I raise my eyebrows and he blinks a couple of times.

"I- oh um okay. Thank you." He stutters. He scratches the back of his neck then walks past me. I furrow my eyebrows and walk to the register. It's kind of dead right now. No ones really here. Usually it gets busy around noon and late afternoon. But right now my shifts almost over and I couldn't be happier. I'm so tired. A older woman and an older man approach the register. They hand me their credit card. I hand them back their card and receipt.

"Have a good day." I say smiling. They smile back and walk out the doors. Start organizing the register area just because I'm bored. I tap my fingers on the counter and look around the restaurant. It's super quiet. All I can hear is a song playing very lowly in the background. I sigh then I hear a door open. Ethan comes walking in from the back door. He puts his phone in his pocket and looks at me.

"Hey uh Lisa said we could close up early. She had to leave, because of some family emergency," he said. "I already told everyone else so I think their gone." He adds. I nod and step out of the register.

"Oh okay." I say taking my apron off. He stands there for a second and looks at me.

"I'm just gonna clean up a little then lock up." He says pointing his thumb behind him.

"I'll help you." I say hanging the apron up.

"Oh no i-it's okay really..." he says.

"No it's alright. My ride was expecting me to be later anyways so it's okay." I say smiling slightly. Harry got his license finally last week so he wants to drive me everywhere. So he took my to work and said he was going to pick me up. Weird I know.

"Okay well thanks." He says. I smile at him.

"I can wipe down the tables and counters." I offer.

"Okay cool. I'll go find the keys really quick." He says walking to the back room.

   I take out my phone really quick and text Harry. I tell him to pick me up now instead of later. He responds quickly by saying of course. I get out the cleaning spray and a rag. I quickly wipe down the tables and counters. I put away all of the menus and table sauces that are laid out. After I'm done with that I start go to get my stuff out.

  Once I'm about to walk through the door, Ethan comes out causing me to almost fall. I expected me to be on my ass by now but he caught me. His arms were wrapped around me and his face was oddly close to mine. I awkwardly look up at him because he hasn't let me go. He stares at me and I look at the parking lot. I see Harry's car and I almost let out a sigh.

"Um my rides here so.." I trail off.

"Oh!" He exclaims and let's me go. I grab my backpack quickly and smile awkwardly at him.

"Okay well thanks. Um I'll see you later." I say tucking my hair behind my ear. We both walk out of the restaurant and he stays by the door.

"Yeah see you later." He says. I hear a car door open and close. I turn my head and see Harry leaning on his car door with his arms crossed. I roll my eyes and turn back to Ethan. 

"Bye." I say smiling. He smiles back and waves. I turn and start walking towards Harry. Once I approach him he's not looking at me. He's just glaring at Ethan. I put my fingers on his chin be make him look at me.

"Hi." I say raising my eyebrows. He looks down at me and smirks slightly.

"Hey baby." He says. He wraps his arms around me suddenly then kisses me. I'm caught off guard at first but then I realize what he's doing. I pull away from him and he looks back at Ethan. I turn my head slightly and see that Ethan's by the door. Once he sees me looking at him he looks at the ground and starts to lock the door.

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