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May 9th, 2016

"So basically, again, there's nothing wrong with you Alani, really. I know so many people feel like something may be wrong with them, that they're just crazy if they're taking depression medication but no. It's just, again, a chemical imbalance in the brain. And you just need the medication to balance out the certain levels in your brain that aren't as balanced as they need to be. I want you to please please remember that so you wont think so negatively of it." Teresa, Alani's psychiatrist, said to her.

Alani sat across from Teresa on the little couch she'd always sit on in her sessions with Teresa. It had been nearly an hour so the session was almost over. Alani had gotten more intake on her depression medication now thanks to Teresa. Although she still wished she didn't need to take, she didn't think nearly as negatively of it as she had before.

Alani nodded, chewing on her bottom lip. "So it's kind of like...diabetes?"

"Right, exactly right. People with diabetes also have to take medication, insulin, to balance out that certain level in their body."

"Ok that makes sense."

"Good. I'm so glad you understand."

Alani smiled a little.

"So, how have your thoughts been lately?"

"Much more positive that's for sure. I still have my days but not nearly as much as I use to. Also this is the longest I've went without thinking about suicide."

"I'm so glad. And, I think our time is unfortunately about up. It's ridiculous how fast that hour passes by." Teresa shook her head. "Do you have anything else you'd like to say maybe?"

"No, not really. Thank you for helping me understand the whole medication thing again."

"Of course, of course." Teresa smiled. "You've come so far compared to when I first met you Alani. I'm so so proud of you. You're a very strong person."

They both got up and hugged. "Thank you so much Teresa, for everything." Alani smiled wiping the tears forming in her eyes. "I couldn't have come this far if it weren't for you and August."

"You're so welcome sweetie." Teresa smiled. "Oh and I almost forgot, I have this book here that I really want you to read. I think it'd be really good for you and your journey in self love. You can just bring it back whenever you're finished with it. It's called 'I Love My Love', by Reyna Biddy." She handed Alani the book.

Alani's mouth dropped. "Oh my gosh I love Reyna. I've been wanting to read thisbook for the longest." Alani smiled. "Thank you."

"Consider it a birthday gift." Teresa smiled. "I know you told me that you didn't celebrate but still.."

"Well thank you again, I really appreciate that. I should be finished with it in no time." Alani laughed, standing up to exit the room.

"No problem sweetie." Teresa said as they exited the room. "And are you sure you understand everything about your medication?"

"Yes, I'm sure." Alani smiled as they entered the waiting room where August sat reading a magazine. He stood and placed the magazine back seeing Alani and Teresa.

"And you're gonna start taking it like you should?" Teresa smiled.

August smirked, waiting for Alani's answer. She smiled. "Yes. I will, I promise." She said seriously.

"Okay, good." Teresa smiled.

"Aight then, thank you Teresa." August thanked her.

"Certainly. I'll see you next Monday Alani."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2019 ⏰

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