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(This is a continuation of Chapter 9)


There was no escaping now. I could've prevented all of this from happening again if I had of just stuck with my first instinct and told AJ.

Fuck. I'm so stupid.

Ace quickly lifted me over his shoulders despite my constant punching. He struggled to walk up the stairs due to me squirming so much.

"Let me go you fucking psychopath." I screamed, trying my best to get down.

He managed to make it in AJ and I's room and once he got inside he closed and locked the door. He then put me down, pushing me onto the bed. I then sent a powerful punch into his abdomen.

"Ah shit!" He crouched over in pain.

Not thinking twice, I took a chance and ran towards the door, unlocking it. I was thinking that I'd make to the kitchen in hopes of grabbing a knife. But then I felt my hair being harshly yanked and I was pulled back towards him. He wrapped his left arm tightly around my stomach and I began to feel his hot breath on my neck. I tried once again to get away.

"Uh-uh baby." He pressed his elbow deeply into my stomach causing a sharp paint to shoot through it.

"Ahh." I cried.

I felt his right arm slowing creeping up to my throat. Suddenly, feeling what felt like a gun to my head, my eyes widened and I stood as still as possible.

"There we go." He said.

I tried to steady my breathing as I squeezed my eyes tightly, tears still falling.

"Now. You gone do whatever I say to do aight?" He kissed my neck.

I sniffed, too scared of getting my head shot open to even say anything. "I said aight?" He raised his voice. "O-Okay." I slowly swallowed. "Good." He said.

I then felt him pressing his manhood against me. "You feel dat?" He asked. I then began to cry harder and he huffed. "Shut the fuck up and get on ya knees bitch."

No, no. Why is this happening to me? What did I do?

But Ace was stupid to pull this in our house when little did he know AJ would be home at any moment. I was hoping and praying every second that AJ would walk through the door.

I obliged, afraid of what Ace would do if I didn't. He then unzipped his pants pulling his manhood out. He stroked it, smirking at me. I gulped, trying to slow down my breathing.

"Alani? Where you at?" AJ's voice all of a sudden ringed through the house.

I then heard him jogging up the stairs. "Shit." Ace cursed, quickly zipping his pants back up. "Dis nigga told me he was at da trap."

I stood up, running towards the door. Ace then quickly yanked my by my hair. "You bet not say shit Lani or I swear, I'll kill yo ass." He threatened.

I closed my eyes wishing AJ would just save me already. Ace was obviously the fucking devil so I knew that he meant every word he'd said.

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