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So I just have to thank you guys a thooousand times for getting this book to over 150k reads. Cause I just never thought yo, I never thought.

Thank you guys sooooo much!
I love you sooooo much!




"Nah man, I'm sorry but I won' be able ta do it 'til like two mo' weeks." August said to Chance over the phone as he poured noddles for Alani into a pan on the stove iron.

"Damn Aug." Chance sighed, disappointed. "You can't work some'n out? I really need this shoot. Okay, what if I pay double?"

August thought about the offer for only a second knowing he would decline. Alani was more important to him. "Nah bruh, I gotta friend I'm takin care uh right nah. It's gone have ta wait, she mo' important."

"Aight I understand, but thank you anyways."

"Yeah, no pro'lem." He then ended the call.

He grabbed empty box of noddles then threw them in the trash, glancing at Alani who sat on a stool behind the island. Afterwards he turned the stove on and the noddles began to cook.

August leaned against the island as he watched Alani fiddle with her fingers.

Today her STD test results had come in the mail and she was nervous. The only thing on her mind was opening up those papers and the finding out what her results were.

Feeling August staring at her, she is nervously tucked her hair behind her ear, looking up at him.

"What?" She asked.

August blinked. "I jus' wanna kno', if you'on mind and befo' we read dem papers, ya story."

"Hm." Alani said, tucking her bottom lip under her top as she looked off to the side. "My story..as too.."

"This, right hea'." He put his finger on the envelope in front of her, in which her result papers sat in.

"Well um...there's so much to that story, so much that..I don't even want to remember."

"I understand. You'on have ta talk about it."

"No, you wanna know and.. I can't keep it hidden forever so.."

"Yeah." August nodded, understandably.

It was silent for quite a moment, the only thing heard was the boiling of their noddles on the stove.

"...You were raped?" August finally decided to ask what he'd been thinking was the answer ever since the day at the clinic.

Alani's heart sped up at those words. She was beyond embarrassed.

He knows.

Tears filled her eyes. Knowing she couldn't hold them in, she stood up and started to walk to the bathroom. August grabbed her hand, pulling her back to him, but she wouldn't face him.

"Alani, it's aight baybeh. You'on have ta be embarrassed about dat. I kno' it wasn't 'cha fault." He said.

"Yes it was! Everything that happen was all because of me! I'm so stupid!" She tried to walk away.

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