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"Why's my sandwich ringing?" Clarke asked, eyeing her BLT which rang with clarity as she pulled it out of the fridge.

"Oh that's Raven's phone." Demetria said casually, as she wiggles past Clarke to grab a juice box.

"How do you know?" Clarke questioned, arching her brow before the teen walked out.

"Who else would lose their phone in a sandwich?" Demetria replied dismissively.

Just as Clarke was about to dissect her sandwich, Raven burst into the kitchen.

"There it is!" Raven sighed, grabbing the sandwich from Clarke. Her hair was wet and sprang water droplets onto the blonde as the Latina pulled her phone out of the sandwich. Surprisingly, Raven dismissed her phone and took a bite out of the sandwich ravenously.

"You weren't looking for your phone?" Clarke asked, scrunching her nose as Raven at the sandwich in two bites.

"No, I was." Raven licked her fingers then joined Demetria in the other room.

"Honey I'm home!" Octavia hollered.

"SHSHSHSGHGGH" Demetria, Tris and Raven simultaneously shushed, their eyes glued to the tv screen.

"What are they watching?" Octavia inquired to Anya, who sleepily watched on.

"The Phantom Of The Opera, 25th Anniversary." Anya droned.

"A musical?" Octavia asked, scrunching her face.

"Yea, I'm more of a Sound of Music fella." Anya replied, returning her attention to the screen. Octavia's shocked reply was cut off when Lexa walked through the front door, her car keys jingling in hand.

"Lexa!" Demetria greeted, Tris paused the recording and turned around to wave at Lexa. Raven however, let out a soft whine before moving her place from the floor to Anya's lap.

Demetria bounded over the couch, and ran into Lexa with a massive hug. Lexa stumbled back in surprise before kissing the teens head and laughing.

"Wow I feel so loved." Octavia stated, raising her arms in a lonely manner.

"Oh hey Octavia, when'd you get here?" Raven asked, smiling friendly.


"Okay I finished with the reports what did I miss?" Clarke asked as she rushed into the living room and flopped onto a bean bag.

"The part where Christine lowkey gets kidnapped but nobody's panicking." Tris informed, snuggling further into her blanket as Demetria joined her.


"Oh is this the Phantom of The Opera?" Lexa asked excitedly, shedding her jacket as she joined the rest.

"Okay so I'm the only one without a theatre background." Octavia stated, nevertheless she joined the group and watched the musical, which to her surprise was quite interesting.


"I love you."

"Haha that's cute." Clarke teased, they laid around on the bed. A lazy Sunday.

"Marry me." Lexa blurted, her heart seemed to be strangled, yet it ensued a heavy and strong beat. Clarke smiled, and straddled the brunette; the sheets cascading down her bare skin.

"Fine, only because I love you more." Clarke placed a soft kiss on Lexa's cheek.

"Where's my ring?" Clarke asked.

Lexa's eyes widened, before subtly reaching under her pillow and drawing out a simple dinosaur ring.

"It's beautiful." Clarke sighed, slipping on the plastic band.

"It's also Aden's whom Demetria stole from so don't break it." Lexa laughed.


"Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you~"

Raven and Aden purposely sang out of tune to annoy Demetria as the teen eyed her birthday cake while blushing. She squirmed awkwardly, unsure of what to do as everyone sang to her.

"Happy Birthday dear Demetriaaa"

"Happy Birthday dear Donut Dazzle-"

    Demetria glares at Raven.

"Happy Birthday to youu"

Demetria blew the candles and smiled as everyone around her cheered.

"Be proud of me, I memorized the whole song in twenty minutes." Lexa stated, kissing Demetria's head as she earned a chorus of laughter. Emori and Clarke cut the 'big ass' cake, in Raven's words of course, while Lincoln and Bellamy passed it around to the party goers.

"I cant believe you've never sung happy birthday at a birthday." Emori shook her head, her laughter was cut off as Tris slipped Emori's bandanna from her head and took off in a sprint.

"Get back here!" Emori shouted as she raced the teen.

Clarke laughed but when she turned around, Demetria cheekily played with Emori's bandanna, how she got the bandanna from Tris without even moving, Clarke had no idea.

"You clan girls are weirdos." Bellamy stated, shaking his head as he passed Demetria the biggest slice of cake.

"But we're the best." Anya stated, kissing Raven softly as they laughed in a nearby corner.

"Amen hallelujah." Demetria agreed.

Lexa teared up softly, wiping them quickly away before anyone could notice.

However, Clarke, ever the observer, noticed.

"What's wrong Lexa?"

"I love this so much. This is what i've worked so had for." Lexa states, smiling. May I repeat, actually smiling, at the people around her. Demetria began opening gifts, right before Emori snatched her bandanna back from the teens pocket.

Lexa kissed Clarke's hand, where a sparkling engagement ring sat beautifully.

"OH MY GOD ITS ALIVE." Demetria screamed.

She opened the box to reveal a french bulldog with a 'big ass bow', again in Raven's words.

"Are you crying?" Octavia asked shocked.

"No of course not." Demetria said, fanning her eyes as the pup licked her hand furiously. "My eyes are sweating, like a lot."

Demetria blew a kiss to Lexa, who was mostly relieved in the teen liking her gift.

"Oi, I chose the breed." Anya stated, in which Demetria replied by sticking her tongue out.

"I'm naming you Ramen." Demetria said through sniffles as the pup wiggled it's little tail and squirming it's little body excitedly.

"Like the Arabian name?" Leto asked, softly petting the glistening fur of the dog.

"No, just like, you know, Ramen."

"Clan girls are weird." Clarke repeated.

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