The Cousin

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     "Ms.Woods, the run downs on last weeks sales are on your desk, the extended deal with Skai has been arranged, and finally Anya is released from the rehabilitation center. She's in the foyer, west wing." Indra finishes, keeping up pace with Lexa's long legs.

  "Send her to my office, I'll see her in seven minutes." Lexa replies, keeping her professional and impassive profile like concrete. Indra nodded slightly and turned left at an upcoming hallway.

  Lexa sighed and used her elevator to reach her office. She could see the sale reports inside a manila folder on her black-wood desk, one look at the thickness and she could tell that they had been very successful. Her fingers brushed over the cold desk as she sat down and arranged her ink pens, preparing for the shit-storm that would be arriving in seven minutes.

  She closes her eyes and meditates, collecting her thoughts and setting aside any personal sentiments. However her attempt to soothe her troubled thoughts were interrupted when she heard distant yelling and scuffling outside her office. Lexa intently listens as the struggle drew nearer to her office door, Indra's voice was audible accompanied by a infuriated feminine one.

  Lexa inhales and placed her fingertips together in thought, her eyes were still closed when her door was kicked open and two figures stepped in.

  "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

   "Hello Anya."

"You sent me to a rehab center! I'm not in need of-"

  "Ms.Forest please, Ms.Woods is occupied at the moment." Indra interrupts Anya, and tries to drag her out but Anya shook her lose.

  "Ms.Woods my ass. Do I look like I need some charity?" Anya asks , glaring at Lexa who still had her eyes closed. Lexa looked at her cousins attire, ripped jeans, an old jean jacket, some beat up sneakers and a tatty brown wool sweater which revealed her sports bra under; she screamed Charity Case. Anya was yet again about to retaliate when Lincoln stepped in with annoyance evident in his stride.

  "Come on Anya let's go." Lincoln says as he lays a comforting hand on her shoulder.

  "You hired my brother?!" Anya half screamed as she shrugged off her siblings hand and elbowed him in the gut.

  Lexa snapped her eyes opened and stood up. "Leave us." She says and gestured their dismissal with her hands. Indra and Lincoln fixed their suits and walked out, complaints were being mumbled under their breath but Lexa ignored them.

"I don't need your help." Anya says sitting down on one of Lexa's couches and fiddling with the hem of her denim jacket.

"I'm not offering it." Lexa states sitting down once again and scribbling down a quick note.

"Then why am I here?" Anya asks, standing up and walking up to a mini fridge nearby and examining it's content.

"I saved your ass two weeks ago show some gratitude. You need a job and a place to live." Lexa looked up to see Anya pull out a bottle of Perrier and a snickers bar. "I really wish you wouldn't do that."

  "Too bad. I'm your cousin, we're family and shit." Anya says, opening her beverage by popping off the lid and chugging it. "Don't you have some alcohol?"

  "No drinking on the job." Lexa tries not to grimace as Anya tears the snickers bar open with her teeth. "You're lucky I'm even offering this job, most ex Trikru members are found in the streets begging for scraps."

  "Ooh that was my game plan, sitting next to that Italian restaurant on  112th avenue." Anya says through a mouthful of chocolate.

  "You will live in my old penthouse and Luna will check up on you." Lexa says, handing Anya the note she was writing earlier. Anya groaned at the mention of Luna's name, hating the zen woman with all of her guts. Anya folded the note that had the address and  Lexa's phone number in neat cursive handwriting.

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