Ladies Who Lunch

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  "You did what?!" Raven and Octavia simultaneously screamed at Clarke.

  "I invited her to lunch. I felt as if I owed her!" Clarke grabs a slice of pizza and returns to her place on the couch with five blankets.

  "You don't invite your enemies to lunch." Octavia states while cuddling with Raven on an armchair.

"They're not enemies anymore. They're business partners, O." Raven says as she scrolls through Netflix trying to figure out what to watch.

"Well I mean you're not business partners anymore, right? Trikru got blown up and all-" Octavia stops as she notices Clarke's discomfort. "I'm sorry, Clarke, I know the accident bothers you. I didn't mean it."

  Clarke shakes her head and says "They never caught the leader, nobody saw them. They blew up their own people, imagine how sick you'd have to be." She then puts down her plate and says "I've lost my appetite you guys can have this."

"Mine!" Raven calls as she hops up from her spot and grabs Clarke's pizza. "Anyway, is this a date?"

Clarke feels the heat rise to her cheeks and sinks into her mountain of blankets to hide it.

"No! I... I was hoping you guys would come."

   She tries to make it sound as if she wasn't disappointed that it was in fact not a date.

  "I'm down." Octavia raises her hand and turns to Raven who just shrugged an okay.

"I'm actually gonna go to bed guys, I'm tired the hospital drained me." Clarke says as she gets up and makes her way up the stairs.

"The hospital or Lexa?" Raven calls after her, to which Raven received the finger before Clarke disappeared upstairs.  Raven then sits next to Octavia who was now in charge of picking the show.

"How long until they make out on kitchen counter-tops and tables?" Octavia asks, not breaking her gaze from the television.

"Eh, I give it a week."

  The two then cuddle together and binge watch The Walking Dead, oblivious to the fact that the blonde upstairs was freaking out over lunch the next day.


"I think she bailed on us." Octavia says, sipping on her drink while they waited for Lexa to show up. Raven was coloring a kids menu that she had asked for and Clarke was eagerly searching for a certain pair of green eyes.

"No, Lexa isn't that shallow." Clarke states, looking over their booth.

  "You're forgetting she's a business woman with huge political power. That chick can change the president in fifteen minutes if she wanted to. And you doubt that she'd bail on a friendly lunch? at a diner?" Raven asks, taking a slight break from coloring a rocket ship.

"She's Lexa, she wouldn't d-" Clarke was cut off when Lexa and another lady came up to their table. Lexa was clad in a loose shirt with ripped jeans and combat boots, reflective sunglasses on top of her head. Her friend wore a grey sweater with jeans as well. Lexa's friend had frizzy and curly hair with a mix of red and brown, her hazel eyes had a still calmness that unnerved and soothed Clarke at the same time. As for Lexa, Clarke was sure everyone could hear her heartbeat that seemed to be faster than light itself. What a useless organ.

"May we join you?" Lexa asks, snapping Clarke out of her daydreams.

"Uh yes, I'm sorry, yes." Clarke stumbles on her words and scooches over so Lexa could sit next to her while Octavia, Raven and Lexa's friend sat on the other side.

"I'm Lexa, this is Luna." Lexa introduces herself since Clarke seemed to be in a sort of trance.

  Luna smiles and politely says "Nice to meet all of you." The whole time Raven had been staring at Luna, and she immediately hid her coloring sheet in an attempt to act 'cool'.

"I'm Octavia, Dreamy Eyes over there is Clarke and Ms.Five-Year-Old here is Raven." Octavia introduces everyone to Luna, since she seemed to be the only one of them who wasn't under some kind of love spell.

  The group then ordered their food and talked about work places and TV shows. To which Clarke learned that Lexa loved horror films, but Clarke was absolutely horrified of gore and action. Never less she let the brunette ramble on about classic films with Octavia while Raven and Luna flirtatiously talked about art and literature.

  Clarke listened to Lexa's calm and soothing voice and she thought she could die right then and there, simply because she thought she had heard the purest sound any human could hear. Her voice lost the bland and professional business tone she always used and was filled with a melody and song that only Clarke could hear. However, Clarke was interrupted from her fantasies once again when the waiter came with the food.

  After everyone had received their meals, the waiter winked at Lexa while placing down the bill and left.

"That motherfuc-" Clarke started but got caught off when she realized that everyone at the table was staring at her. Clarke closed her mouth in defeat and returned to her food, which left a giggling Octavia and Raven, a confused Luna and an oblivious Lexa.

Clarke cleared her throat and desperately tried to change the topic, "So, Demetria is a character."

"Donut what now?" Raven perks up, mishearing what Clarke had said.

"Demetria, Raven." Clarke corrects her, and Luna smiles at Raven's obvious disappointment.

"Yes, I knew her. Can't say I know her now." Lexa says covering her voice with her façade business tone. Luna places her hand on Lexa's shoulder in comfort, but Lexa just shrugged it off.

  The rest of the lunch was filled with jokes and hearty laughs to which everybody enjoyed. After, the group walked outside and exchanged phone numbers. Until Octavia's phone rang and Lexa smugly smiles as she see's the caller ID.

  "Hey, I'm sorry Lincoln's calling I've got to take this." Octavia says awkwardly and walks to Raven's truck.  Clarke turned to ask Raven if she could drive Octavia back home, only to find Luna giving Raven a piggy back ride and the latter laughing her ass off.

  "I bet you a Benjamin that they end up in each others pants by next week." Lexa says as she and Clarke watch the two goofballs mess around in the parking lot.

"Are you serious?" Clarke scans Lexa's eyes for any sign of humor. "Because you are so on."  The duo shook on it and smiled when they saw Raven and Luna on the concrete wrestling each other.

"Something tells me we shouldn't disband just yet. Movie night?" Clarke asks, and Lexa just grins.


Have a good day

-Cassia <3

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