Prologue: Run Run Run.

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Back to Konoha after wave.


Demon brothers attack.

Team 7 is walking peacefully to the land of waves there's a puddle that comes out of nowhere but no one realizes it until suddenly two people jump out of the puddle that was sitting there and attack Kakashi. 'Kakashi' gets torn into pieces and they all panic especially Naruto who freezes up completely and was about to get killed when Sasuke stepped up and saved him. However Naruto had gotten a slash from the mans claw like weapon when the fight finished Kakashi told Naruto about the poison. Naruto freaked out then fainted.

Time-Skip to Konoha.

They brought him back to Konoha and placed him in the hospital. Kakashi went to the Hokage office and did the report of the mission. He equally told the Hokage about Naruto freezing up. The Hokage gathered the council as they have a meeting about what to do with Naruto.

Time-Skip to the next day.

Naruto's P.O.V

I was sleeping when someone knocked on the door. I got up and started rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and walked to the door. Much to my surprise Kiba was standing there so I asked him "Hey Kiba what's up?" "No time come on!" He replied grabbing my hand.

Time-Skip to Hokage office.

Kiba's P.O.V.

We went into the Hokage office with me dragging Naruto the whole way. We got there and much to our surprise all of our friends were here then Naruto yelled "What's going on!" The sudden outburst of Naruto made everyone start thinking the same. Then the Hokage spoke "Naruto I was told that you were the cause of the failure of your previous mission and that you were completely frozen. Is that correct?" "Yeah" said Naruto "Why?" He asked. "Well after we heard we have made a decision. "So?" Said Naruto "Well" said the Hokage, "The council has decided that due to your reaction you are not fit to be a ninja. Naruto stood there wide eyed mouth slightly open due to shock. "How" he muttered. "You must now remove your headband and place it on my desk." Naruto did as he was told and ran out of the office tears streaming down his face. He ran past the gates of Konoha. Run run run that's all he could think of until he got to a big tree after running 10/15 miles.
End of chapter. I will update when I see 3 votes.

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