Chapter 10

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Timeskip to the forest of death brought to you by Sakura's uselessness

Timeskip to the forest of death brought to you by Sakura's uselessness

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Naruto's P.O.V.:

Once we arrived at the training ground 44 aka The Forest of Death the crazy lady now named Anko Mitarashi explained what the 2nd part of the exams was about and gave each of us a form to fill in that shows that if you die your death is not on Konoha's hands. Eventually, everyone filled in their forms and gave them back. We entered the forest as not even 10 mins later we heard a bloodcurdling scream of pure terror followed by a annoyingly creepy deranged laugh and an unimaginable amount of blood-lust. As soon as that happened both the girls on my team suddenly grabbed my arms and held them between their... 'you know whats' and his hand on their unmentionables. And I had the expected reaction of a 13 year old boy who had his arms between a girl's 'you know whats' and his hand there. I became a blushing/flustered mess. Either way I just kept walked with them clinging to my trying my best to hide my blush. 5 to 10 mins later, they finally realized the position we were in as they said my name at the same time, they looked at me... I had my swirly hearts in my eyes (Pic below imagine it as swirl.)

and blood running down my nose

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and blood running down my nose. They both yelped and jumped letting me go as I fell unconscious.

Haku's P.O.V.: (Didn't expect that did ya?)

As I realized what happened to him and the position I was in, I jumped off him and started blushing like crazy it seemed Narumi had the same realization as she also did the same as me at the same time. We both looked at his face as he slowly fell down unconscious muttering something about 'big soft melons'. Suddenly out of nowhere, some random Konoha team came out of nowhere. There were 2 boys and 1 girl. The 1st boy had a hoodie and a puppy on his head the 2nd had shades and a coat with a high collar and the girl had a jacket that seemed to big for her and white eyes (You know who it is (Black and Yellow Black and Yellow XD JK) But seriously you know who it is.) Suddenly the puppy started whimpering as it's owner started muttering to it. "Akamaru, What's up? What's so scary, I don't see any threats, I just see 2 girls (Sorry to anyone whom this may offend I am not sexist, Ki- Doggy-boy is just overconfident, if he's cocky, he'll hold back and get destroyed by them) and an unconscious dude. Hold up! Is that Naruto?!" The boy with the dog yelled. "I think it is." Said the girl with the white eyes. "So what does it matter to you!?" I yelled. "Well he used to be a ninja of Konoha, but got his Konoha headband revoked so he ran away. He never explained why, he just ran." The guy with the glasses said calmly/stoically. "Well either way he wouldn't have left if it wasn't for that bubblegum-banshee! (You expected bbgum-bitch didn't ya?)" Me and Narumi yelled together. Then we looked at each other. "Temporary truce to to take down these idiots who dare challenge us?" I ask Narumi as I hold out my hand. "Accepted." She replied. " Ha, you hear that guys? These two girls think they can take us down on their own!" The boy with the dog said. "Careful, these girls are not to be underestimated, I recognize one of them from the Bingo-Book as one of the 2 apprentices of Zabuza Momochi the Demon of the Mist. The Ice user on the left her clothes and hair style gave it away." Said the guy with the glasses as suddenly the dog boy started laughing saying that such fragile looking girls couldn't be in the Bingo-Book and as he started to make hand signs, him and the other boy fell to the ground one with a needle made of ice on a pressure point and the other with a needle made of stone at the same place. "Hey blind girl take your teammates and run. Now!" Said/yelled Narumi when the girl didn't move at first. As she jumped onto a tree "You'll regret this in the finals!" She yelled as she threw their scroll which was just the one we needed before running off. "Sweet! Now we got both the scrolls we need!" Narumi yelled as we took Naruto and ran off. We got to the tower and read the board. Me being smarter than Narumi figured out what we had to do and told her to open the scroll on my signal and she did as told as 3 seconds later we threw the scrolls opening them at the same time as Zabuza-sensei appeared. (They did a 3 day walk to get to Konoha They learnt stuff on the way...) " Good job guys you just set the all time record for shortest time taken to complete the 2nd exam, only 1 hour! ... What's with Naruto?" He congratulated then asked. "Well..." I began as Narumi continued "It was our fault, we heard a scream got scared as each of us grabbed one of his arms as we put him in a... situation..." She said as our faces turned to solid lava. "Ah... Naruto you lucky boy." Said Zabuza-sensei as he nodded slowly while shaking his head, understanding what was happening. We walked to the reception to get our room key. "Team 7 of Sunagakure, we want our room key." I said as the receptionist gave us our key and we went to our room. Zabuza-sensei got his own room. As we got to our room I open it and it was basically like a flat. But for some odd reason there were only 2 beds. We put Naruto in one bed as we do rock-paper-scissors for who gets to sleep on the same bed as him. Why, cause knowing each other, we would never share a bed. We Both do rock then scissors and we expect each other to do paper so we both do scissors then both rock for the same reason as I do rock and she does scissors. "Ha! In your face, I win!" I yell as I go and turn him around to make him face the wall and I lay next to him facing the other way as we all fall asleep.

A/N: I'm taking one girl out of the harem and replacing one vote or I'll just pick. Ends on the 19th of July

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