new story

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So I've been having alot of thoughts for potential stories but I didntwanna start a bunch and potentially accidentally neglect another so imma let you guys vote on which story you wanna see.

Naruto in HOTD: During the Kaguya battle, Naruto is nearly hit by one of Kaguya's petrifying rods whenbith Kakashi and Obito try to teleport him out of the way but since theyre not in perfect sync, the process goes awry fast and the blond is teleported to another universe, his chakra coils destroyed permanently

Pairing: Naruto x Saeko

Naruto in Pokemon: Same thing as above just with my take of him in the Pokemon world

Pairing: Naruto x (depends on the region you guys vote for if this wins.)

Mercenary of the higher ups: after being neglected by his parents time and time again, Naruto finds himself accidentally killed at the hands of his mother. Instead of death however, our blonde hero finds himself face to face with not only the Shinigami, but Kami and Yami themselves as well. Now on a mission to take down those who defy true fate, how will our protagonist's life change?

Pairing: Naruto x FemHaku x Kin

(Original Story) Insanity (might come up with a better title this seems good to me for now tho): What better word to describe someone with no one. Someone whos been beaten, yelled at and forced into pseudo slavery since he could walk, taught nothing of human emotions knowing only that to live, he had to obey. What do you think would happen when such a child, were to unknowingly escape such a life. Would he just kill himself and be done with it? No... now thatd be far too boring now... WOULDN'T IT.

Pairing: Kanji x (probably someone he'd meet during his travels) / no pairing.

My life in the Naruto world: Exactly as it sounds.

Pairing: Me x FemHaku

A new life in Suna.(Naruto Fanfic) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now