Chapter 20 ― The Pandorica Opens

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(chapter 21 hasn't been writen, but is likely to be in the next few days, so vote!)

I'mmmmmm back! Back with this story anyways! :D Hope you didn't miss me too much ;)

Exams are done and summer has just begun for this canadian girl so expect the ending of Fix Me and a whole new (not fanfiction) story! Because yes! I will get started on this now story idea, so watch out for "She Walks Right Through Me", coming  to a Wattpad near you very soon! :D

I hope you enjoy this chapter ^^




I pulled away when suddenly another figure walked into the room. It was a Roman man, his face hidden with his helmet. He hurried over to where the Cyberman had Amy trapped behind a door. With one swift movement, he stabbed the enemy with his sword straight through the chest.

The Roman opened the door to find a sleepy looking Amy.

“Who… who are you…?” she asked.

He removed his helmet.

“Hello, Amy,” he smiles.

 I my heart stopped for a second. I quickly stood up and ran over to Rory. Before I reached him though, Amy collapse into his arms.

“Rory!” I said happily, helping him carry Amy to the stone table in the room next door.

“Ariella!” he beamed.

I was excited to see that he was back and he had just saved our lives. Very out of character for me, I approached him and hugged him tightly.

“I go by AJ now. I’m so glad to see you!” I told him as I pulled away.

“Me too,” he replied.

A soldier came into the room.

“Sir, the man’s coming around,” he announced and I could only assume he was talking about the Doctor.

Soon enough, we heard shouting from the next room.

“Amy! AJ! Where are Amy and AJ?” I recognized his voice.

He walked into the room and looking shock at Amy who was unconsciously lying on the table.

“She’s fine, Doctor, just unconscious,” Rory assured him.

He rushed over and sonicked her, confirming what Rory said.

Then the Doctor got informed the amount of soldiers coming and started rambling on nonstop about what could possibly in the Pandorica that required a cyberman to stand guard. Rory stood in front of him, trying to have him realize that he was there. That he was back, no longer not existing, but the Doctor was too busy to realize this. With a cyberman gun, we walked out of the room, still asking himself a thousand questions.

I looked over at Rory and we exchanged a “oh, that man!” look.

Though I knew him very little, I appreciated him a lot.

The Doctor came back into the room and looked at Rory with confusion.

“Hello again…”

“Hello,” Rory answered.

“How’ve you been?”

“Good. Yeah, good. I mean, Roman.”

“Rory, I’m not trying to sound rude, but you died,” the Doctor pointed out.

“Yeah, I know. I was there.”

If it wasn’t for the intensity of what had just happened, I would have laughed. Instead, I contented myself with a little smile as I whipped away the tears I had streaming earlier.

“How can you be there?”

“I don’t know. It’s kind of fuzzy…” he frowned.


“Well, I died and turned into a Roman! That’s very distracting!” he complained.

There was a loud rumbling and we left the small room to enter back into the main part of the cavern. The symbols on the Pandorica where glowing green.

I sat in a corner, hidden behind a pillar as the aliens left. I had more tears streaming down my face as I tried to remain as quiet as possible.

They trapped him… They aliens, they all trapped him inside the Pandorica. There was no mighty warrior inside it from the start, it was a cage made for one man in particular. The Doctor.

All of his enemies had allied to put him away for good. I had to watch, not making a sound as he got locked away forever.


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