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                                                                      *3 months later*

                  I groaned as I rolled over onto Dannek. My legs were entangled with his and he chuckled. I kissed his lips, savoring the taste and smell of my mate. In a flash I was racing to the bathroom, last night's dinner making its way up my throat. Dannek rubbed my back soothingly as I retched into the toilet. When I was done, I stood up and brushed my teeth.

"Are you okay?" Dannek asked, coincrn filling his hazel eyes.

"I'm fine," I shrugged. "It's probably just a stomach bug or something."

"If you start feeling worse, I'll ring the doctor," he assured me.

"Thanks, babe," I said. "Now let's go get dressed, my family is visiting today!"

"Unfortunately that includes Aiden," Dannek muttered.

"It'll be fine," I insisted. "Nothing will go wrong."


          I opened the door with a wide smile, my family pooled inside; the twins oohing and ahhing at all the fancy stuff. Dannek took the rest on a tour of our house while I grabbed Zane and Shane by the ears.

"If you break anything- ANYTHING- your balls will be my new Christmas ornaments. Got it?" I hissed.

"Got it," they nodded solemnly. Shane swallowed nervously.

I smiled at them. "Now, let's go see the rest of my house."

       After the tour, we showed them to their rooms, Aiden's room being as far from mine and Dannek's as possible. I collapsed backwards onto my bed, all day I hadn't been feeling exactly up to par. My stomach was queasy, and several times I'd thrown up. Gemma burst into my room, and shooed Dannek out.

"Ally cat, I do believe I know what's wrong with you," Gemma announced.

"And what is that?" I asked.

"You, my dear, are preggers," she told me.

"That's impossible, we only had sex once," I said.

"And I'm guessing you didn't use a condom, cuz that is definitely a baby I smell," Gemma said.

"But how- I didn't- you know-" I had no idea what to say.

"You forgot that I was a born healer?" She asked in mock surprise. "And you know healers just have that magic touch."

"So, it's true? I'm pregnant?" I asked.

"Yes, you are, you better go tell Dannek," Gemma ordered.

I took a deep breath. "Do you think he'll be happy? You know, about the baby?"

"Babies," she corrected.

And that's when I fainted.

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