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                                                                    BLAKE'S POV

I leaned back on the couch, waiting with Aidan for the rest of the pack to get here. Where was Alana? I didn't think it would take her this long to get home; we only live like ten minutes away from the school. The pack slowly started trickling in and Alana was still a no show. I decided not to let it bother me; she was probably out running to get over her embarrassment. I still couldn't believe she would lie about such a serious thing; how petty.  Zach went into the kitchen to grab everyone some sodas and when he came back out all he had in his hands was a piece of paper, no sodas in sight.

"You guys," he said. "Alana's gone."

"No dip, Sherlock," I rolled my eyes. "She's probably out running off her embarrassment."

"No, Blake, I mean gone. For GOOD." He thrust the sheet of paper at me.

"Dear whoever cares, I'm leaving. I can tell when I'm not wanted and I'm sick of being treated like shit. Don't bother looking for me. I'll be happier if you just forgot about me. Don't worry, I'm leaving the pack, too. You'll never have to hear from me ever again. Goodbye, Alana," I read out loud. The pack was silent.

"She'll be back," Aidan stated confidently.

"No, she won't," I snapped. "You guys treated her like shit, she said so herself!"

"You did, too," Aidan reminded me. "What kind of brother treats his sister like that?"

"What kind of Alpha treats his pack member like that?" I retorted.

"She can't survive on her own," Aidan insisted. "What about the rogues?"

"She'd probably let them kill her before she came back here," I said bitterly.

"No," Aidan mumbled. "No, no, no, no, NO!"

  I stared at him. Why was he so upset about this? She was MY sister. He hated her, said so himself. So where the hell does he get off thinking he can be all upset over this? He has NO RIGHT. I growled low in my throat. My little sister ran away because we were all horrible jerks to her, because of all the horrible things I'd said to her. I was a terrible brother, and because of that, the only family I had left was gone.

"Well, I personally am glad that she's gone," Leslie announced. As soon as those words left her mouth, I was out of my seat and slamming her against the wall. How dare she say that?

"Don't you dare say that," I growled. "She's my SISTER and right now I feel like killing you. How dare you say that?"

"Oh, get over yourself, Blake. God. You made fun of her every day, just like the rest of us, so don't go acting like you're Mister High and Mighty over there," she snapped.

                 I closed my eyes and felt the prickling of tears at the back of my eyes. I didn't even try to stop the tears from coming. I practically forced my sister to run away because she was being verbally abused and bullied. I pushed past Zach and Aidan and stomped upstairs. I went into Alana's room, hoping that maybe this was just some cruel joke she had decided to play. But looking around her empty room, I knew she was gone.

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