CHAPTER FIFTEEN- Getting Approval From the King

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                                                        AIDEN'S POV

          I glowered meanly at the bloodsucker who'd managed to charm the very people who wanted my head on a golden platter. What was Alana thinking, bringing him here? She already has a mate. Me. I mean, yeah technically I rejected her, and technically we're not mates, but still. And I didn't like the fact that suddenly Alana had a new mate. That just doesn't happen. This whole Second Chance Mate crap has to be some fancy mojo that a dark witch cooked up, because this just doesn't happen. I trusted that leech about as far as I could throw him, which would probably be pretty far, but that wasn't the point. The point was that I don't trust this vampire, or this Second Chance Mate bond. There was no way that Prince Dannek Verlac could possibly love Alana, or feel a true mate bond.

                                                                PRINCE DANNEK'S POV

         As soon as she walked into that cafe, I knew she was my mate. My heart raced at themere sight of her, my blood sang for the proximity of my mate. And the first time I touched her... it was like fireworks. Sparks danced on my skin where she touched me and I wanted nothing more than to be with her. I knew that even thoughI'd had a mate before, Alana would be the only girl I would ever truly call my mate. When Cassia died, I thought I could never love again. But now that I have Alana, that hole that was created by Cassia's death is filled. I feel complete with Alana by my side.

"I'm ready to go," she said from the stairs.

          I turned to her with a radiant smile on my face. I carried her suitcase in one hand, the other clutched hers. I prayed that this wasn'ta dream. Some fantasy I'd created and would awake from in the morning.

"I'm not a fantasy," Alana whispered beside me. Her eyes widened. "How did I know what you were thinking?"

"You two have a mate bond," her brother reminded us. "Every thought you have, the other hears."

"Then why could I never read Aiden's mind?" she asked.

"Aiden rejected you, therefore shutting down the mind link. Dannek, here, has obviously accepted the mate bond and that is why you can read his mind," Blake replied.

Alana gave me a tiny smile and squeezed my hand softly.

"Well, we must be off," I announced.

"See ya'll later," Alana said and let me lead her out of the house.

        I put her suitcase in the trunk of the car and Mikail drove away from the house. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and she snuggled closer to me. She sighed happily as her eyelids grew heavy.

'I think I'm falling in love.' With that last thought Alana fell asleep.

                                                         ALANA'S POV

     I blinked against the bright sunlight streaaming through the windows. A large castle loomed eerily in the distance. I'm not gonna lie, this place is pretty creepy. I clutched Dannek's hand tightly as we got out of the car. We walked across the moat- a moat?! Who has a freaking moat?- and entered the castle. Servants took my luggage from Dannek and took it to my room. Dannek and I had to go see his parents. I was more than a little terrified. What if they don't approve? What if they hate werewolves? What if they preffered his other mate, Cassia.

"They'll love you," Dannek assured me. "Don't worry."

           I took a deep breath to steady my nerves and then we entered the throne room. Sitting on two thrones were the Vampire King and Queen. Both of whom were gorgeous. Blonde hair flowed around the Queen's pale face. Her violet eyes were warm and welcoming. The Kiong gazed at me with an unreadable expression.

"Father, Mother, I would like to introduce to you my mate, Alana Loup," Dannek announced.

"She's a werewolf," was the first thing out of King Mitas's mouth.

"Yes, she is," Dannek nodded in agreement.

"She's very pretty," Queen Lily said, smiling at me.

"Thank you." I gave the queen a hesitant smile.

"I assume you are of the controversy this will cause?" King Mitas asked.

"Yes, I am prepared for the hesitance that will come from the people due to this," Dannek said. "All I need is your approval."

"My approval for what?" I felt as though this were a trick question.

"Your approval of this mating," Dannek clarified.

"And why should I approve of your mating to a werewolf?" King Mitas inquired.

"Because I love her," Dannek replied softly. "She makes me happy and I want to spend my life with her."

"You do realize that, although she ages slowly, she will still die?" King Mtas asked him.

This time it was I that spoke up. "I expect Dannek to change me. I'm not leaving him, not if I've got a choice."

King Mitas smiled widely. "Then I approve of this mating."


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