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A/N: i am sooooooooo sorry that I haven't posted in like forever! My wifi was down so I couldn't get on the computer. Soooo sorry! Anyhoo, here's a new chappie for you.


                  CHAPTER EIGHT

          I closed my eyes against the onslaught of visions. I saw myself at eleven years of age. Mom and Dad had taken me to the lake while Blake was training to become the Beta. I was upset that Blake got to go train with Aidan while I was stuck at home, so Mom and Dad took me to my favorite place; a small lake hidden in the woods behind our house. The spot had quickly become my favorite place after Mom and Dad first showed it to us when I was about five. As I splashed in the cool water, Dad lounged in his wolf form; Mom leaning against him. I didn't notice the Rogues until it was too late. I wanted to stay and help Mom and Dad fight them off, but they made me go get the Alpha. As I ran away, I heard the sickening crunch of bones, and I knew that Mom and Dad were dead. Tears streamed down my face as I told Alpha Dan what had happened. I saw the heartbreak in my brother's face. It quickly turned to fury. Fury directed towards me! I was so shocked. It wasn't like I could have done anything, I couldn't even shift. That was the day that my brother started hating me, Aidan ridiculing me right alongside him. And because of that, the entire pack began to hate me. The only person who still loved me was alpha Dan, but there wasn't very much that he could do.

"Ally, wake up." Someone was shaking my shoulder. "Dammit, wake up, Alana!"

       Cold water shook me out of the nightmare and I awoke gasping for air and flailing my arms. Sweat trickled down my forehead as I glanced around. Luke peered over me, clutching his forehead.

"Aw, shit, sorry Luke," I apologized.

"It's okay," he said. "Was it the same nightmare again?"

"Yeah. It's terrifying. It starts out with my parents dying, then the pack hating me, and then me suffocating," I stared up at Luke. "Why does it always end in me suffocating?"

"I don't know, Ally Cat," he sighed. "Maybe you have a repressed memory or something. We can talk to Dev about it later."

"Can you stay with me tonight?" I asked in a small voice.

"Sure, Ally," Luke murmured.

     I held the blanket up, letting Luke crawl under. I snuggled against his bare chest and he wrapped his arm protectively around my waist. I slipped into a deep sleep, no dreams or nightmares plaguing my unconscious mind.


"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!" Someone yelled.

I opened my eyes to see a very enraged Aidan glaring at mine and Luke's entwined bodies. Luke slowly sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Aidan seethed in anger at Luke's bare chest. I scoffed as I rolled my eyes.

"It's none of your damn business, Aidan," I muttered. "Now please leave, I need to get dressed."

"But he gets to stay?" Aidan asked incredulously, pointing his finger at Luke.

"It's nothing he hasn't seen before," I shrugged.

"What?!" Aidan yelped.

"Oh, come on, Aidan, I shift in front of him all the time," I sighed. "But if it makes you oh so incredibly uncomfortable, I'll ask him to leave. This is after all, your pack and your home.'

"It's your home and pack too," Aidan said.

"Not anymore,” I murmured. "Now please leave."

    Luke hugged me gently before following Aidan out the door. I got into the shower and when I was done I found the perfect outfit. I was dressing to make a certain Alpha very jealous. So I settled on a short red dress and black heels. I curled my hair and let it cascade down my back. I hopped into Luke's Porsche and we drove to school.

    As I walked down the hall, I received many cat calls (or would it be wolf calls?). I flashed one boy a smile and thrust my books into his hands. He followed behind me with a dazed sort of look on his face. The human boys were practically bowing down at my feet, while the wolf boys warily kept their distances. I knew somebody would be reporting to Aidan what was going on, and that's exactly what I wanted. I was determined to make Aidan want me, and I was sure that my plan would work. I found out the result of my plan at lunch.


     "Alana, you need to go calm your mate down," Chase hissed as soon as I sat down.

"What? No way!" I exclaimed. "This is just too much fun."

"Be reasonable, Alana, if you don't control him, then you won't have any human admirers left" Chase warned.

"Fine," I sighed. I stood up and walked over to a fuming Aidan.

"Calm down," I snapped.

"Why should I?" he snarled. "They're all looking at you like you're a piece of meat.'

"Aidan, you shouldn't care. You rejected me," I reminded him.

"I regret it!" Aidan yelled. "I regret rejecting you!"

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