CHAPTER THREE- My new family

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                                                                 ALANA'S POV

Emptiness. That's all I feel right now. My mate rejected me. I cut myself off from my pack, so I was technically a Rogue and fair game to anyone who wanted to kill a werewolf. I howled at the moon, my pain practically unbearable. I collapsed to my feet near a stream and whimpered pathetically. My wolf was in so much pain. It hadn't been just me that had been rejected, both of us were. And it kills to know that the one person who is supposed to be with you, be perfect for you HATES you. I curled up into a ball and let my pain overcome me. When I cut off the tie with the pack, it cut me off from my mate. And it hurt like hell.

      I don't know how long I stayed curled up like that, but when I opened my eyes, it was daylight. And there were three very hot, very shirtless boys standing in front of me, two were identical twins. I could tell that they were werewolves and just like that I was on my feet, running behind a tree to hide. I'd heard about what happens to werewolves that trespass into another pack's territory uninvited. They died. I whimpered as they stepped forward. Instantly, they stopped. Why? I was a Rogue, shouldn't they be trying to hurt me?

"We won't hurt you," the one that wasn't a twin said gently. He slowly moved closer, his hands held out in an 'I come in peace' sort of way. I stepped out from behind the tree, still in my wolf form.

"Will you shift so that we can talk to you?" He asked in that same gentle voice. I glanced curiously at them before picking up my duffel bag and trotting back behind the tree. I shifted into my human form and slid some sweatpants and a tank top on. After I was dressed, I moved cautiously away from the tree. I was curious as to why he was being kind to me, I was a trespasser on their land.

"What's your name?" The- I'm just guessing here- leader asked.

"Alana," I whispered.

"Alana, I am Luke, the Alpha of the Wolfsbane tribe," he told me. "And that is Shane; my second, and Zane his brother."

"Hi," I mumbled.

"Can we keep her, Luke? Please?" One of the twins, I think it was Zane, I begged.

"You doofus," the other twin hit his head. "She's not some pet to just take home, Zane. You have to ask nicely, like this: Alana would you like to stay with us?"

"Shut up. It's Luke's choice anyways," Zane grumbled.

"Would you like to join our pack?" Luke asked me, still using that soft gentle voice. I silently nodded.

"YAY!" the twins cheered. I flinched, frightened by their loudness. "We have a baby sister! We've always wanted one!"

         Shane picked me up and slung me over his shoulder while Zane grabbed my bag. Luke just chuckled. Well this is sort of awkward; all I can really see is Shane's butt.

"How are you able to carry me?" I asked. "Aren't I heavy?"

"You? Heavy? As if!" Shane laughed. "You're as light as a feather."

"No, I'm not," I grumbled. "Everyone in my old pack said I was fat and ugly."

"Why would they say that?" Zane wondered.

I stared at him. "Uh, because it's true?"

"You're not fat or ugly," Luke insisted.

"Thanks," I mumbled.

"So, Alana, may I ask why you ran away?" Luke asked me.

"Well, my parents died about five years ago, so my brother and I had to live in the pack house. My brother was best friends with the Alpha to be- he was his Beta, in fact. Anyways, I'd always been made fun of, but when we started high school, it got even worse. Yesterday was Aidan- the future Alpha's- sixteenth birthday and the day that he would find his mate. Well, he found his mate, but I wasn't exactly what he wanted. So he rejected me. He said that I was lying and that his mate could never be someone as fat and ugly as me. And my brother just stood there and watched. Then he told me I was embarrassing him and that I was a disappointment to my parents," I cried.

          Shane rubbed my back soothingly. "It's alright, baby sister, no one is here to be mean to you anymore."

I gave him a weak smile and Luke growled.

"That dick," he spat.

"That's one word for him," I said.

"Well, now you have a new family. Us!" Zane beamed at me. He was so adorable! He acted more like a six year old then a sixteen year old.

         I smiled at them. My new family.

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