Imagine #16

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-Soulmates AU Part 1-

Love is strange. Isn't it?

One minute you have your whole life planned out and the next you can't even imagine a future without him.

Even though love can be painful at times, it can also be the best feeling in the world. It's like a warm sensation that starts in your heart and expands outward.

I drifted through highschool alone. I wasn't particularly unhappy. I had friends, I had a loving family, and good grades. I still felt distant and bored with life.

And so with the end of my junior year nearing I began wishing for a change. I wasn't sure what kind of change I wanted but anything was better than nothing.

My head rested on the empty lunch table. Today I was feeling a bit down and tired. For a few minutes I listened to the mindless chatter of my schoolmates as they ate lunch. It was all the same, just gossip about who slept with who. I stared at the egg shell colored walls as I picked around at my food on my plastic lunch tray. My eyes then wandered to my hand which had a small cut starting from the palm of my hand to my middle finger. Over the past few weeks I had been developing unexplained cuts and bruises, I had been reluctant to tell anyone at this point considering the injuries were small.

I pulled out my ear buds and phone before laying them on the table and putting my ear buds in my ears. I began to play my music, turning it up just loud enough to drown out the obnoxious voices.

I closed my eyes for what felt like hours until a hand touched by shoulder and a muffled voice came from behind me. The soft touch sent a shock through my body, jolting me out of my sleepy state. I slowly took out my ear buds and lifted my head to look behind me.

I was met with a pair of dazzling hazel eyes.

"Sorry if I'm bothering you but...may I sit here?" The ravenette behind me asked politely, he held a tray in his arms and glanced anxiously at the empty chair directly across from me.

"Oh, of course." I nodded, noticing that the small lunch room was packed with teenagers. He beamed at me as he quickly sat down. As I watched him my heart slowly began to beat faster in my chest. I glanced down at my food in confusion, why was my heart suddenly acting up?

"Hey I'm Gerard by the way." He uttered, then bit into his ripe apple.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm (Y/n)." I gave him a weak smile, having trouble speaking due to my pounding heart.

As e took a sip out of his water bottle, I peeked at his hands noticing a familiar cut on the palm of his left hand. I looked at my own hand and saw that my cut was identical to his. My eyes widened in incredulity. I shrugged it off, thinking it was just a weird coincidence.

"Hey um, how did you get that cut?" I asked timidly, trying to start a conversation.

He stared at the palm of his hand before replying "the handle on my car is broke so when I went to open the door a piece of metal cut it about two days ago." He explained.

That really took me aback. My cut had appeared around that time as well.

"That must suck." I flashed him a sympathetic smile, trying to concentrate through the anxiety bubbling in my stomach.

We sat in silence for the rest of the time, all the while I was sneaking glances at him. He was actually quite handsome. He wore a blue t-shirt along with a gray jacket. His black hair was longish on top and messy. Suprisingly it wasn't an awkward silence, it was actually pretty comfortable.

The bell rang and as he began to walk off I stopped him "Hey are you new? I haven't seen you around."

He grinned "yep, it's my first day here." And with that he disappeared in the sea of bodies.

I quickly dumped my tray of uneaten food and made my way to the women's bathroom. Thankfully the bathroom was empty so I could have a few minutes of piece. I stood in front of the large mirror, my heart starting to slow to an average thump.

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