Imagine #1

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-Vampire Gee smut-

"So you're basically saying you want to summon a fucking demon in my house?" I stared at Mikey, Ray, and Frank while crossing my arms, getting an attitude.

"Uh no, we're wanting to summon a vampire, there is a difference." Frank quipped with his usual smart ass remark.

"I don't care, the first time my parents leave me at home alone in months and you guys want to start some satanic shit." As I ranted Ray began to place some red candles around my bedroom.

"What are those for?" I asked, watching Frank beginning to light them.

"The ritual calls for ten candles placed in different spots around the room." Frank explained while flicking the lights off and letting the candles light the room in a orangish glow. Mikey wrung his hands, looking nervous

"I think I agree with (Y/N), this is kind of creepy." Mikey looked around with worried eyes.

"Ah Mikes, you worry too much." Ray gave him a sympathetic pat on the back as he sat cross legged on the fluffy beige carpet, Frank copied him, and Mikey hesitantly followed.

"So what am I supposed to do?" I sighed, giving up. Frank smiled and motioned for me to sit on my queen sized bed with my legs crossed, I did.

"Alright, now-" Frank paused to squint at his phone, reading something "-We hold hands and chant 'veniam daemonium' ten times." Frank continued, making the Latin word sound wrong with his Jersey accent.

I raised my eyebrow as I watched Frank grab Rays hand, Ray grab Mikeys hand and Frank grabbing Mikeys other hand.

"veniam daemonium." They began to chant in unison. This was meant to be serious but Ray looked amused and Frank had that casual look on his face...poor Mikey on the other hand looked terrified. Finally they reached the tenth time to say the word.

veniam daemonium.

They unhooked hands and looked around. It was completely silent. After all I never really expected anything to happen. "Wow, so we did all that for nothing?" Ray looked a little disappointed. Mikey let out a sigh of relief as he ran a hand through his blonde hair.


One of the large windows in my room exploded in shards of flying glass, the dark brown curtains shredded. I screamed, automatically covering my head. Frank gasped "FUCK!" He cried out, his face twisted in a look of shock. All of them shot up out of their sitting positions. The candles suddenly went out in a strong gust of wind giving my warm room a sudden chill, leaving the room in inky blackness.

I shivered, from the fear and the cold. Frank grabbed my hand "why are you just sitting here, let's go!" Frank shouted trying to yank me off the bed, he ran to the door of my bedroom while Mikey and Ray fled downstairs. Frank ran to the top of the stairs, when I ran to the door it slammed in my face, I gasped and jiggled the doorknob, desperately trying to open the door.

I could hear Frank pounding on the door from the other side. Suddenly the pounding stopped and it went silent on the other side. "Frankie?" I whispered, my heart hammering in my chest. When he didn't answer I felt like I was going to have a panic attack. "Frank, this isn't funny!" I yelled, starting to shake.

I turned to see a pale man in a black suit sitting on the edge of my bed. He looked almost regal with his legs crossed, messing with his white and black striped tie. "Who the hell are you?" I asked, frozen in place.

"well I suppose you are looking for a mortal name so how about you just call me Gerard." Gerard said, his skin looking chalky against the moonlight.

"Well Gerard, what do you think your doing in my house!" I snapped, feeling overcome with anger.

"Oh well, you did summon me, I'm a vampire after all and I'm here to pleasure you." Gerard smirked, looking down at his short nails that were painted black.

"Bullshit." I sounded ballsy but on the inside I was terrified.

Gerard stood up, looking taller than I would have guessed and stepped towards me, making me press my back against the wall in panic. "Mmm." Gerard responded with a hum as his lips latched onto my neck, making my breath hitch.

"G-get off me." I tried pushing him off but his large hands held an iron grip on my hips.

I felt two little stings like pinpricks on my neck. When Gerard pulled back a second later I could see the tips of his abnormally sharp canine teeth were stained dark red, he had a wild look in his cold hazel eyes, which had just a hint of obsidien in them. "Believe me now?" The corners of Gerard's thin lips curled into a smile. I nodded in shock. I was going to die. All this time I thought vampires were a myth.

Gerard picked me up and tossed me like a rag doll on my bed, instantly pinning me down into the soft fabric. I struggled, trying to force his weight off of my fragile body. My mouth hung open as he began to grind his crotch into mine, making me instinctively tangle my fingers in his mess of black hair.

Fuck it, you only have sex with a vampire once, right?

He took the opportunity of my open mouth as his lips crashed into mine, his tongue entering my mouth. I let out a small whine as he pulled away to remove his tie. He began to slowly undress until he was naked, I stared at his pale body in awe. His lips met mine again while undressing me. After removing the last piece of clothing he leaned down in between my legs, attacking my clit with his tongue.

I cried out from the contact, leaning my head back on my pillow moaning. "Please, fuck me." I begged, staring into his hazel eyes. He complied, thrusting his length into me and beginning to thrust in and out without letting me adjust. He began to pound into me steadily, tearing a sluty moan from my throat."

H-harder." I moaned loudly as he sped up, almost hurting me from the way his hips were snapping into mine. I screwed my eyes shut until he hit that special spot inside of me.

I let out a scream of pleasure, my nails digging into his back. My eyes opened to see the hottest sight ever. Gerard was looking up at me, his forehead glistening with sweat, his black hair sticking to it.

"cum for me sugar." Gerard smirked. That's when I couldn't hold it any more so I came with a low moan, my back arching. He continued to sloppily thrust inside of me, soon after I was exhausted and sensitive he pulled out and spilled his load on my sheets running a hand through his sweat damp hair.

He began to dress, as did I. "How did that?" I asked shaking, wanting to know how he could have seduced me so easily.

"Well, vampires can do that sort of thing." Gerard shrugged, snapping his fingers instantly making the candles relight and the bedroom door swing open. My eyes shot to the hallway, hoping Frank and the guys were safe. When I looked back to where Gerard had been standing he was gone.

Frank and Ray came rushing into the room, looking pale. "What the hell happened?" I decided against telling them I had been seduced by a vampire.

"uh I don't know, I tried opening the door but it wouldn't budge, I think you guys must have summoned a demon." I lied.

"Shit, I had no idea it would actually work." Frank lifted his eyebrows in surprise.

"What happened to Mikey?" I asked, just now realizing he was gone.

"He went home, he's pretty freaked out." Ray scratched the back of his neck looking guilty.

"And how am I going to explain this-" I gestured at the shards of glass on the floor from the demolished window "-to my parents?" I stared at them

Frank sighed "I'll take the blame." Frank patted my back and I smiled weakly, still feeling shocked at what happened earlier.

Maybe that ritual wasn't a bad thing, after all I just had the best sex in my life.

I waved goodbye as Frank and Ray walked to Frank's car, peeling out of my driveway.

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