Imagine #5

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-Part two of psycho Gerard-

(Y/N) pov

My eyes skimmed over the small room when I awoke. The walls were a calming shade of blue, and shelves on the walls were holding nicknacks. Family portraits sat on the nightstand beside a bed pushed against the wall. I suddenly remembered what had happened, I had been kidnapped after my parents were murdered right in front of me.

I was slumped in a wooden chair placed in front of a desk. My heart started to beat faster realizing that the killer had to be somewhere in the house. I had to get out of here before he killed me. I stood up, my legs wobbly like noodles. I made my way to the door, praying that it wasn't locked, it wasn't. I opened the door very carefully creeping out of the room into a dim hallway. I tip toed into a room with a couch and a T.V., I stopped dead in my tracks. It was the killer, I now recognized him as Gerard Way, he went to my school. I hardly knew him and we didn't really talk. He was sitting on the couch cleaning a pistol, he wore a gray hoodie under his brown leather jacket. He was completely focused on the small gun, ignoring the T.V.

I slowly backed up only to back into a dresser knocking over a glass figurine. It hit the floor, shattering and alerting Gerard, his head snapped in my direction. "Oh, I see you're awake." Gerard smiled at me as he stood up. I ran down the hallway into a bedroom, running into a closet and shutting the closet door.

I felt like crying, as I heard his foot steps approaching the room I was in. I was shaking, I held my hand over my mouth to keep from screaming as I curled up in the corner of the closet. "So now we're playing hide and seek?" Gerard sounded amused as I heard him open the door to the room. I saw him slowly approach the closet through the cracks in the door. He paused at the door, only to move out of my line of sight. I let out a small hopeful sigh that just maybe he wouldn't find me.

I screeched as the closet door was flung open. Two strong hands gripped my arms as I was dragged back to the room I was originally in. He placed me on the bed, holding me down as I kicked and punched. "Let me go you stupid fuck!" I yelled in rage. Gerard frowned for a second and then his frown turned into a mischievous smirk.

"You have a dirty mouth don't you, baby?" Gerard grabbed my chin with his large hands, forcing me to look into his eyes.

My gaze shifted to the corpse of a man covered in blood slumped against the wall that I hadn't noticed before, blood was splattered behind the body, the man's face telling of a violent death. "Oh my god." I breathed, fear taking over again. Gerard followed my gaze.

"That's my uncle, this is his house." Gerard shrugged casually.

"What do you want from me?" My voice cracked. Gerard looked slightly annoyed.

"this isn't funny, you can stop acting like you don't know." Gerard ran a hand through his thick black hair.

"What are you talking about! All I know is that you go to my school, that's it!" I began to cry, tears running down my flushed cheeks from frustration.

Gerard's dark eyebrows knitted together in sympathy as he wiped away a tear that was rolling down my cheek with his thumb "are you alright?" Is he fucking joking? He literally killed my parents, killed his uncle, kidnapped me, and now he's asking if I'm okay.

"No!" I snapped in anger.

He sighed and cupped my face in his hands, crashing his lips into mine. I tried to push my off but he was stronger than he looks. His lips molded into mine softly, his eyes closed. For a second...I actually enjoyed the kiss 'No! He's a murderer, he killed your parents, so stop thinking like that!' My brain screamed. Gerard finally pulled back.

"I promise to take good care of you, now come one, we're officially on the run from the cops." Gerard grabbed my hand, pulling me off the bed.

"We? No you're on the run from the cops and you're not going to get away with this." I growled.

Gerard rolled his eyes, pulling me outside to a black mustang, putting me in the passenger seat. He put his gun in the back of his jeans, sliding in the drivers side. I noticed he had some dried blood on the front of his jacket and some speckles of blood on his black combat boots. He backed out of the driveway, one hand on the steering wheel the other grabbing his coffee cup to take a sip and to slip some black sunglasses on.

"Where are we going?" I stared out the window, wanting to escape but fearing he would shoot me.

"Just sit back and enjoy the ride." Gerard kept his eyes trained on the road as he leaned back in his seat, looking completely relaxed.

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Gerard Way ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now