Imagine #4

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-Trigger warning; Violence-

"Why the fuck not!" Gerard snapped, wacking his mother's expensive vase off a shelf out of rage.

"Because you're only 17, you can't expect me to go out and buy you an engagement ring for a girl you're not even dating!" His mother began to become hysterical.

You see, Gerard has done this before. He has a history of violence with his mother, such as breaking things in fits of rage. Although, Gerard is very smart. He's never actually laid a hand on his mother, but tonight, he was being pushed to the edge.

Tonight was supposed to be special, it was supposed to the night that he proposed to the love of his life, (Y/N). Except, there is one little problem, (Y/N) hardly even knows him. He believes his mother is being unreasonable.

"She loves me, and I love her!" Gerard hissed coldly.

"You're not even dating, the poor girl doesn't even know you." This pissed Gerard off, big time. Gerard stomped to his room, slamming the door. Ms. Way sat down in her office chair, sobbing into her hands.

Her husband died when Gerard was only two years old. She thought she could be strong and raise Gerard herself but when he turned 15 that's when she started to notice behavioral issues, teachers would call her at work, telling her that her son refuses to do his school work. She rubbed her temples, feeling helpless. Gerard was now infatuated with a girl at his school, constantly taking pictures of her when she isn't looking.

She's tried to seek professional help, but Gerard is a force to be reckoned with. Gerard paced in anger 'why can't she just cooperate?' Gerard thought, fuming. Suddenly, Gerard stopped pacing, an idea popping into his subconscious. Gerard began to prepare.

Gerard smiled cheerfully at the thought of his new plan. He was so happy that he practically skipped into the living room, swinging the hammer in his hand side to side, holding the wooden handle with his gloved hands. His mother sat in her chair, staring at the computer monitor, quietly adjusting a framed picture of Gerard when he was five posing with his mother at Disney World. A smile crept up on his face "see you in hell, motherfucker."

Gerard mumbled from behind his mother, swinging the hammer making the flat part slam into the side of her head making her cry out loudly. The picture falling to the ground off her desk, shattering the glass. She fell out of the chair with a big clashing sound, from the force of the blow, blood dotted the white wall, some getting on his black converse.

"Fuck, these are new shoes." Gerard growled, hitting her a second time as she lay on the grey tiles, her blood filling the cracks in between each tile. She was just barely alive, which infuriated Gerard. He struck her over and over again, his hits being ruthless as blood spray got all over his clothes. His eyes where dull and cold, his jaw set as he was determined to break her skull.

Gerard finally stopped, dropping the bloody hammer. Gerard began giggling with wide eyes at his situation. He was finally free from his mother, now to go get his bride. Gerard grabbed his mother by the ankles, dragging her bloody, almost unidentifiable body down to the cellar, leaving her there to rot.

"Good bye mother, maybe you've learned your lesson, not to fuck with me." Gerard blew her lifeless body a kiss and grabbed her car keys off the kitchen table. He quickly changed into black sweats, running a hand through his hair, grabbing a pistol that he hid under his bed. He ran outside, jumping in the car and driving to his "loves" house.

Gerard walked up to the front door, giving it a few firm knocks while cocking the pistol, making sure it was loaded. He hid it behind his back as the door swung open to reveal a tall man with a thick mustache "Oh hello, I'm looking for (Y/N), is she here?" Gerard asked sweetly, with innocent eyes.

"Yes, she's here." He stood watching Gerard

"What do you need?" Gerard shot him a thin lipped smile, pulling out his pistol in one fluid moment and shooting him dead. Gerard stepped over his body into the house, knowing he was going to have to be quick.

Her mother gasped in terror, seeing her husband with a gunshot wound to the head slumped in the doorway. Gerard gave her a stone cold look before aiming at her, she let out a scream and ducked as he shot at her.

"We can do this the easy way, or the hard way." Gerard called, wanting to be the one in control. She ran from behind the couch, Gerard took aim and shot her twice in the back just as she tried to flee.

(Y/N) stood in terror, seeing her parents being brutally murdered. Gerard grinned widely "come here, baby." Gerard walked slowly towards her room, causing (Y/N) to back up. Gerard grabbed her around the waist in a death grip, putting a bag over her head pinning her down as she cried and struggled.

Gerard tossed her over his shoulder and disappeared with her into the woods.

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Gerard Way ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now