Chapter 1- The Planning

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3rd Person P.O.V

Fred and George started walking bored out of their minds in the corridors of Hogwarts, discussing about their latest pranks and how they just aren't the same anymore. "Ughh, We haven't had any original prank ideas in forever!" George said pretty much slapping his forehead with the palm of his hand, as if it would help him think of a new idea. "George just bugger off with the complaining! As if that'll help you come up with a new idea for a prank!" Fred said tauntingly with a hint of annoyance, but still agreeing that their pranks have become stale. "I know!" George spat, bored "but first we should at least try to come up with a client!". Fred walked with him thinking about who they could choose as their newfound victim, "How about 'Mione?" asked Fred, running out of ideas. "Did a Prank on her last week, remember? Operation Mealworms in the Bookworm?" George said motioning to his hair. "Right..." Fred said disappointed in himself. "Who haven't we pranked in a while?" Fred asked almost bored out of his mind. "Well, in the last week we've pranked: 'Mione, Ron, Ginny, The Slyther-Clique, Susan, Colin, Snape, Dean and Seamus, and Neville" George said while counting up with his fingers trying to remember everything. "We haven't pranked Harry in a while..." Fred smirked "Not to mention him and Malfoy have been at eachother's throats more than usual, fighting like an old married couple..." Fred snickered and his devilish grin grew wider, leaving George with a side-smirk "so why don't you say we turn them into one?" Fred asked mischeviously holding up a vile of a thick, glimmering potion he'd kept in a pranking stash "Amortentia" he smiled cunningly. "Fred you're brilliant! At this rate you'll be lucky to be a Ravenclaw with that crown of your's!" George said laughing while flicking Fred's forehead with his finger "how about we sneak some into Harry's daily Pumkpin Juice and watch all hell break loose as his obssession takes over?" George said content with a the plan. "sounds like a solid idea to me" Fred said while they made their way to the great hall for breakfast, and before entering, they high-fived and clamped their hands together while both excailming the following before walking into The Great Hall

"We Solemnly Swear, We are up to No Good"

Salutations, This is my first ever Wattpad story so sorry if it's complete rubbish and really short! If you like it and want to be a part of it's development, please be sure to comment down below any ideas you may have for this story, and I'll be sure to mention you! Anyways, see you in the next chapter!

Mischief Managed!-

Sincerely, your Trashy Author

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