The Pants in This Relatonship is a Size 4 & You Can't fit Them Andrew

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"How do I look?" I asked Lexi nervously as I pulled my hair back over my shoulder.

"You look hot, I'd tap that."

"Your disgusting." I laughed as I put my heels on. I wanted to show my parents they've missed me mature, and the new attitude I have.

"What time is it?" I asked Lexi as I gazed into the mirror. I had to look absoultey perfect.

"Ugh, my watch has 6:50."

"Holy shit! You need to put on your dress now!" I yelled at Lexi. She was just sitting on the toilet in her bathrobe texting.

"Calm down it doesn't take ten minutes to put on a dress."

"Get up and put it on now!"

"Fine, let me send this last text."She waved me off.

"I said now!"I screamed snatching her phone and she flinched back.

"Okay."She walked backwards keeping her eye's on me and felt behind her for the dress.

"Thank You!"I yelled between clenched teeth. Lexi slid into the dress so fast I didn't even see it.

"What time is it, now?"

"Ughh, umm it's five till seven."

"Let's go."I pointed towards the bathroom door.

"Ugh, you can go first."

"What?Do you think I'm going to punch you in the neck or something."

"No,"She had a nervous smile," well, yes."

"Fine, I'll go first." I opened the bathroom door and Andrew was layed out on the bed in his tux.

He whistled at me and I laughed. The door bell rang and my laughter came to a holt. We all stood around looking at each other, good thing Amber was here or my parents would've thought they were being stood up.I'm pretty sure everybody could here them as they greeted Amber. Andrew stood up and smoothed the wrinkles out of his pants and offered his hand to me while Lexi and Jonathan linked arms together.

"It's going to be okay."He whispered into my ear as we got to the top of the stairs. The dinning room was through the kitchens doors. We came down the steps slowly and I was nervous. Like they weren't my parents and I hadn't lived with them for seventeen years of my life.

I took one last breath as we walked into the dinning room, and all the nervous feelings I had before disapeared and was filled with anger,dissapontment,and rage. Andrew made small circles on the backside of my hands as I squeze his hand. I become really tense. My parents had a fake smile plastard on there faces and greeted me. I ignored them and sat down across the table.

There was a heavy silence and everyone looked around at each other until Amber came into the dinner room carrying six platters on a big silver tray. My parents began eating but my stomache was to anxious for me to even attempt to eat.

"Honey arn't you going to eat?" My mom sat her fork down.

"Mom look at my face, you know damn well I didn't invite you guys over to eat."

My dad almost choked on his food." Don't talk to your mother like that. I've told you numerous times about talking to your mother like that."

"Oh you know damn well I'll never listen to you. You don't control me anymore."

He looked at me astonished,"And what makes you think that?"

"I don't live under your roof."

"Your still seventeen and legally ours."He threw down his fork.

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