Afterwards pt. 2

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meri kurisumasu 

I couldn't wait to post this hoe hoe hoe 


Warning: This is a long part 2.


Arthur's P.O.V

The next day when all of us were feeling good and well rested, we started making our way to London. It was very far away from St. Ives and it would take a long time to travel by road.

As I was leading the caravan of horse driven wagons, I sighed heavily. It felt like forever on these roads. I had to put up a disguise, in case I meet people who may recognize me.

"Antonio, switch with me." I sighed, "I'm beat."

"Sure." He switched seats with me. I removed my red coat and fanned myself. At this rate, I'm going to get drenched in my own sweat get a sunburn.

But Antonio wasn't even sweating. It must be great to live in a place with temperate climate, huh? I kind of wish I was born in Spain instead of England.

"How much longer?" he asked.

"We're coming closer I guess. The next stop is Camberley and after that, it would take another few days to London." I said as I looked at the map the villagers at St. Ives gave me.

"Arthur." Antonio called. I turned to him and found him smirking at me.

"Why don't you take some rest inside with ____?" He asked. I narrowed my eyes at him while I blushed. I knew what he meant, but I pretended not to notice.

"She's asleep, isn't she?" I said, "If I go in and annoy her, she will kick me where the sun doesn't shine."

"Has she done it before?" Antonio asked.

"Yeah." I nodded, "It took me a while for the lil' precious to recover."

He started laughing so loudly, that I heard ____ mumble some profanities at us. I slapped his shoulder and peeked inside to check on her.

"Did we wake you up?" I asked.

"Yeah, you did." She glared at me and I smiled.

"Why are you even trying to sleep? The road's too bumpy to ever fall asleep." I questioned.

"Whatever, shut up." She turned her back to me and huffed. Biting back a laugh, I brought my head out into the sunlight.

"She didn't try to murder me this time." I said.

"I think it was because it wasn't your fault." Antonio smiled, "I was the one who woke her up."

We laughed again, this time softly. Whether we were on a ship or a wagon, it was still fun to be around Antonio.


A few days passed and we found the bustle of London right before our eyes. I remember there was a famine here a few months ago. Looks like they're back on their feet, huh? 

As we rode down the busy streets, I sighed. I haven't seen this bustle in almost ten years. I clearly remember running away from the castle at night and playing my violin to get me some money to survive here.  

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