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"I'm Never At Peace."

Third Person's P.O.V

You stirred and blinked open your eyes. The sunlight was filtering through the leaves, making intricate patterns on the grassy floor. The fire was reduced to flickering embers. You turned to your shoulder and found Arthur sleeping there.

"Arthur, wake up!" you gently shook him. He softly groaned and then opened his eyes.

"It's morning already?" He asked sleepily, as he rubbed his eyes.

"Yeah." you smiled.

He removed his red coat from both of your backs and stood up. He stretched and then helped you up and said,

"Let's go."

After Arthur had covered the burnt wood with the soil, he picked up the things and started walking. You took some of the things and followed.

"Do you think we're near?" You asked. He stopped, closed his eyes and sniffed.

"I think so. I can smell the sea." he replied and looked at you.

"Really?!" You exclaimed.

"Yes, now let's move."

Two hours of walking, both of you reached a familiar prairie. Familiar long grass, eagles, breezes, trees, rocks.

"We've been here before." you mumbled.

"This is Seychelles. I never heard of prairies here." said Arthur, "Also... isn't this the same place where we found Alfred?"

It suddenly clicked in your head.

"It can't be!" you said nervously, "That was when we were all the way in Georgia!"

"Let's get out of here. This forest could be making us hallucinate." Arthur took your hand and went back into the thick forest.

This time, an hour was eaten up for walking. But, it was worth it. Both of you found yourselves on the remote part of the beach.

"At least we're at the sea." you sighed in relief.

"We might have to take a whole round around the island to find our ship." said Arthur.

"I don't think so." you replied, "Look over there. Can you see the smoke?"

"Smoke?" he questioned and looked over at where you pointed.

"Isn't that our ship too?" you asked.

"Indeed!" he exclaimed, took your hand and started running as fast as possible. A look of relief and happiness was on his face. Well, now you knew he couldn't be sane without his crew.

"Fernández!!!" Arthur hollered at the top of his voice. Enough to make the birds fly away.

Thankfully for him, Antonio and a few others on land heard. As soon as the call reverberated around the island, Antonio came running.

Arthur and Antonio looked like they were in a sappy romantic movie, running across the beach in the sunset (not to forget, you were dragged along).

"ARTHUR, MI AMIGO!!!" Antonio shouted and both collided in a hug.

Feliciano and Alfonso tagged along slowly behind. They saw your "I never expected this" face and Alfonso chuckled,

"They're inseparable sometimes," he said, "Just like... uhh... Feli, what was that term again?"

"Best friends!" exclaimed Feliciano.

"Ah yes, best friends." Alfonso smiled.

-Arthur's P.O.V-

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