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Drunken Revelations

Alfred was one happy little boy on the ship. He was the youngest and the most energetic of all the other crew members and thanks to his enthusiasm, he got used to the sea life very quickly.

Although he didn't quite obey Arthur, he obeyed you when you told him to do things. Arthur ended up using you to order him to do things. You however tried to get Arthur to be more patient and winsome to get Alfred to listen to him.

He really liked being on the crow's nest with Lovino, although Lovino found him annoying at first. Feliciano and Alfred became best friends immediately, after playing hide and seek on the ship.

One fine day, you were in the room of books and maps, studying oceanography and weather as usual. It was a chore to understand it but, you kept going slowly. Suddenly, Alfred burst into the room like a train and asked,

"What are you reading?" 

"I'm just reading a book about the ocean and the weather," you replied.


"The captain wants me to learn about these things so that I can be useful on the ship," 

He quietly walked up to you, climbed up the chair and peered into the big book, and read a few lines in mumbles. He blinked several times with a puzzled look on his face.

"I don't understand anything!" he exclaimed as he sat back on the chair and patted the table with his little palms repeatedly.

"I can't either. But I'm reading it carefully so that I can understand it word by word," you replied, "But I think I need to ask the Commander to teach this to me. It's really hard to understand."

He nodded and quietly stared at the book. Both of you sat reading there for about half an hour when suddenly, Arthur burst into the room, as usual, like the "boss" he was. 

"Woman, I expect that you're making progress-"

He saw Alfred.

"Now, what in the world is that bloody lad doing here?" asked he with an air of contempt.

"I was reading this book with big sister," replied Alfred.

"Oh? Tell me, do you understand it?" asked Arthur, this time, sarcastically, leaning back a little as he crossed his arms.

"No." replied the little boy, giving the captain a cross look.

"Then I don't see why you should be here and disturb the woman," said Arthur as he walked to Alfred and stood in front of him. 

"But I'm not-" you said but were stopped halfway. Arthur picked him up and hauled him on the shoulder, walked away with him, saying,

"Do something better than reading that difficult book."  

"Let me go, you prick!" shouted Alfred while he scrambled, struggled, and kicked him out of Arthur's grip.

"You little brat, wait till I teach your puny ass a lesson!" roared Arthur as he slammed the door.

You were at a loss for words. So, you just shrugged and continued reading, while feeling sorry for Alfred. 

 "Hope Arthur won't be too harsh on him." you gulped.


When night fell, you walked out of the little library for some fresh, salty air. You walked out to the deck and found Alfred standing near the bowsprit and watching the sea. You heard that the little one was scolded for going into the library and was sent to the kitchen to help the Italian brothers cook. You were a little worried since you haven't heard from Alfred all day and wanted to check on him.

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