f o r t y - o n e

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Ever since last week, you and the fleet have been watchful for any other suspicious looking ships. So far, nothing. You were getting tired of watching. It was boring. Your guns were heavy on your waist and it took the life out of you when you stood with them.

"____!" Feliciano called.

"Yes?" You turned to him.

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

"Come to think of it, I am." you patted your stomach.

"Come to the kitchen! I made some food." he smiled.

Food. The mere sound of the word made your mouth drool. Things were depressing around here, especially since the ships lurked in the danger zone. 

"Count me in!" You followed him and as soon as you entered the kitchen, you saw Lovino hogging all the Neapolitan pizza.

"Lovi! Leave some for ____!" Feliciano demanded. He grumbled and left a few slices on the pan.

You took two and sat next to Lovino. He was eating his pizza salad with such a pouty face and bloodshot eyes.

"Lovi, did you get sleep last night?" You asked.

"F*ck no." he grumbled.

You started patting his head softly.

"The f*ck are you doing?" He glared at you.

"Exactly what I'm doing. Don't ask why." You replied.

"Leave me alone." he grunted.

"Sure." you stood up and walked to the door, "Thanks for the pizza, Feli!"

"No problem~" he replied.

You walked out and chowed down the rest of the pizza. You went up the elevation and fell down on your back there. While you stared at the pelicans flying overhead, you watched the puffy clouds leisurely float by.

"I wish I was a cloud." You sighed. You rolled around, forgetting that your guns were on your waist. One of them hit you.

"Ow! Damn it!" You rubbed your side and cursed. With a sigh, you unarmed yourself and took a good look at the gun.

It was beautiful. A beautiful tool for killing people. The fact that you had to shoot someone with this made you remorseful already.

You groaned.

"Why am I even here?" you mumbled, "I should've left a long time ago. I mean, father is dead and the truth is out, so why am I still here?"

You sat up and something caught your ear's attention. Someone was singing a nursery rhyme. Just then, Alfred popped up.

"Big sister!" He exclaimed joyfully and ran to give you a hug.


How could anyone be so heartless to abandon this little cinnamon roll?!

Was he abandoned? Actually, I have no clue.

"Hey, Alfie." you hugged back, "Were you singing something?"

"Yeah! It's Baa Baa Black Sheep!" He jumped excitedly.

"Ooh! Can I hear it?" You asked.

"Sure!" He stood up straight and sang with a big smile.

Baa, baa, black sheep,

Have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full!

One for my master,

one for the dame,

and one for the little boy who lives down the lane!

"Wow, you sing so well! Who taught this to you?" you asked after giving him some applause.

"Gilbert!" He said.

Wow. I didn't expect Gil to be good with kids! I wonder if he took care of any...


Arthur's P.O.V

We were hardly halfway through the Norwegian sea and evening was making it's way. I sat on the deck, impatiently awaiting the coming "storm". I could feel dread and fear hang over me.

What if they kill me?

What would be of my crew's lives if I died?

I don't want to die....

I buried my head in my knees and sighed heavily.

"I'm so annoying! Why would I even do these things if I knew that they would annoy me later on?!" I slapped my cheek,  "Man, I'm such an idiot."

"If anyone tells me that they want to be like me, I'm going to kick them where the sun don't shine. Ain't nobody should ever think of being a pirate."

As I rambled to myself, I heard a crash. What was that noise? I quickly ran to the origin of the sound and found that the other ship was deformed by a cannon ball.

"Throw some ropes quickly!" I ordered. In few minutes, all four of them were pulled up into our ship.

"What's going on, Arthur?" Gilbert came up to me, all dripping wet. 

I gazed at the dark sea and found a ship in the distance. I could see smoke coming from one of their cannons.

"Tch, they found us, huh?" I exhaled, "I guess it's time for a battle."

"Did you just say battle?" Gilbert blinked.

"Of course I did." I smiled, "Ah, I haven't had some fun, ever since we left Nagasaki."

My killer mode was switched on. Hold on, since when did I have a killer mode?

Even after all these years, war and bloodshed still excite me? What has become of me? I feel like I haven't changed one bit.

We waited for the hosts to greet us. They came, in ten minutes, smiling brightly.

"Hello there, good friends!" Someone enshrouded in darkness greeted us sarcastically.

"It's been ages, eh, Mathias Køhler?" I smirked.

"How have my flowers been?" He asked and stood on the bowsprit of his ship, revealing his tall figure. 

"They've been wonderful. Fresh as always." I replied.

There was such a huge tension between us. Both of us were itching to kill each other. The feeling grew over the years we've been apart.

"By the way, I do believe we sent an invitation, haven't we?" Asked Mathias.

"Of course. We received it just now," I smiled.

"Hopefully, nobody got hurt." he flashed an evil smile back at me. He definitely wanted someone hurt or killed. 

But of course, the amount of sarcasm was just as much as the Pacific ocean.

"Oh no, thankfully, nobody did!" I laughed.

"Good. Do you accept it?" He asked, eyeing me with a smirk.

I snapped my finger. Immediately, an arrow pierced Mathias' right shoulder.

"Agh!" He cried in pain as the blood poured out his wound.

Lovino stood on the nest, holding his bow and arrows with pride. Nobody knew he had that talent, except for me.

"I do." I smiled.



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