Chapter 12 so close but so far away

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Akira pov

I woke up in bed in a large room. It wasn't my room or Joey's. The sent was not from our pack. I got up and ran to the door but I stop and fell to the floor. I notice my ankle was in a chain attached to the bed.


I heard my name and snap my head to the bed. I ran back to the bed and listen to the wall.

That was Joey yell for me.


I bang on the wall so he hear me. The door opened and quick got off the bed ready to fight, chained or not.

The alpha Mike came in with food. He looked like he's in his thirties. I spotted Kelly at the door watching.

"So your awake, I'm glad."

I didn't answer or look at him and I knew Joey was listening.

"Darling would you please look at me?"

He try to touch me and I hissed at him.

"Can you at least speak to me?"

"I want Joey, where is he?"

He frown at me as I finally look at him in anger.

"I brought him here with you so you wouldn't suffer and die. But that doesn't mean you can be with him."


"Just because he's your true mate doesn't mean you have to be together. There are alot of wolfs mated to someone who isn't their mate and they're happy."

"Well that's not me."

I heard a thud from Joey's room and crying. Chloe then came in with a bruise on her cheek.

"Joey slap me for trying to kiss him."

I roll my eyes at her and she  caught me.

"You little fag-"

Mike snarled at her shutting her up completely.

"Do not sneak to him that way. Understand ?"

"Y-yes alpha. Sorry."

She left with Kelly and Nike locking the door.

I quickly started looking for a weak spot on the wall. I kept knocking on the wall till joey said something.

"Move the painting on your side."

I quickly remove the picture and saw a peep hole.

"Stand back."

I back up as he quickly punches a hole in the. We both knew they won't check up on us because it natural for the hostage to make noise when their imprisoned.

The hole was big enough to see eachother face to face. I quickly got up and kiss him threw the hole. Thank god the picture was huge. He kiss back glad we are both safe.

"Did he touch you?"



"What happened between you and Chloe?"

"She brought me food and try to seduce me. She said your not worth anything in our life and you the alphas bitch now. She try kissing me but I slapped her."

I held in my laughter and looked at him.

"I'm glad your safe."

"Me too and I promise you we will find a way out."

He kisses me again and I melted to it. I so bad wanted to be with him. Let just hope we don't end up like Romeo and Juliet.

Diego pov

Me,Leo and some of the warrior wolf were searching for clues on where they took me son and his mate. When Bella and Aura came back crying a beaten up. Akin was knocked out an Jay was bruise bad. They told me a bunch of wolfs came after them and they were not from our pack.

I knew that means the Alpha from the other pack came for him. Sapphire broke down into tears when she heard and made me promise I'll fine them. Oscar was with me looking for a clue or sent.

"Alpha! Beta! I found something!"

We ran to the river to find blood stains on the grown. Goddess please let them be alive.

Why can't I track them?! It like there sent just disappeared! Wait. I remember some wolfs can do that when they need hide so they can hunt. Which mean the wolfs are form the the oldest pack here. The full moon pack. But they refuse to mate with anyone who isn't a wolf. But why? Why did he want my son as his mate? For power or is it because a kisune is similar to a werewolf?

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