Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

The desert around us remained alive. The winds howled and cried as the sand skirted its way about the ground beneath us, its waves coming and going. The fire served as a comfort to an otherwise chilling world, and I thanked every minute it remained lit. Light poured from the fire but was greeted by the peeking moon, its rays casting a soft white glow over the desert land that clashed with warm yellow - a mesmerizing battle between fire and ice. Perhaps the colder experience is in the bodies around us, I think as I lift the arm of a Sabre, removing its sword and placing its holster around my side.For a while I begin to wonder, when will it end? The feeling of soft, clumped fur soaked in blood runs throughout my hand as I search their armor.The more we look and we find only leads to more silence as there never seems to be an end near, all of us carefully stripping the Sabres clean.

After twisting the head of a Sabre, causing the gash in its throat to spew more blood, is where I have to stop, however. “Okay!” I say aloud, holding back the urge to vomit, “Let’s tally. Armor?”

“Not much more,” Demi says, “But I found some good pieces to make some quick patches.” She points to a slightly off colored square of metal against her side.

“What about you, Lyra?” Athair asks, “Sure you have something more than what you are wearing now?”

“I’m fine,” I snipe back, even though my shoulders are dented and the side of my chest piece appears to have been mauled. “I needed some weapons, that’s what I needed.” Which is true.  My greatsword is trashed and needs repairs desperately. I pull the Sabre’s sword from its sheath, weighting it about in my hand but the feel of a one handed sword comes unnaturally and I fumble it.

Demi reaches down for another one, taking it by the holster and throws it to me, “Here. Try holding one in each hand.”

I do so, the weight balanced once more. I nod to Demi with a smirk, satisfied by the new style. A greatsword slung across my back and two swords by my side. Now this is what a warrior must feel like. I twirl the swords about, testing my ability with them - blocking with one hand and countering with the other. Somehow in the mix, though, I bat the swords against one another and drop one. “I’ll work with it.” I say as I pick the sword back up.

“Or maybe you won’t have to,” Athair says as he opens a pouch. “Looks like there is enough gold here for full repairs.”

“Who do we get a repair from while we’re out here?” I ask.

“My people,” Athair says. “They will do it. It’s not far either, if we left now we could get there by morning, get repairs, and leave at sundown.”

“But you said you couldn’t go back to your people,” Demi says, grabbing Athair’s arm. “Aren’t you afraid they will look at you like a coward?”

“I am. But there it is right there,” a wide grin comes over his face. “If I couldn’t prove myself then, at least I can show the courage to return empty handed.”

“Why the change of heart?” I ask him.

“I’ve just been thinking,” he replies.

“About what?” I ask.

“Thoughts,” he says, turning to the fire and kicking sand on it. “Now, let’s get moving. Time’s burning.”

At that Demi and I look to one another and don’t have to say a word to know we’re in an agreement. This is the right move. Without the right gear we can’t make it to Ebonhawke. But if we take too long to get the right gear, then it won’t matter. It will have been too late. I stow my swords in their sheaths and begin to follow, Demi releasing Athair’s arm and walking by my side. It’s almost ironic, I realize. My mother always used a sword, and my father made her a greatsword. Here I am with a greatsword, and I’m about to use swords. Maybe Mother had it right all along.

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