Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

“How did your people become locked away like this?” I ask Demi as we mine side by side, passing the time as best as we can. For the past few days the Nords have come to terms with my existence - by that I mean the purposeful ignorance that comes over them when I approach one. It works, I guess, but only makes us more divided as more and more refused to answer me or speak in my presence. But it works. And I have Demi to thank for that. With the Nord’s new found respect for her, she holds a status of what almost appears on par with their Shaman - not that I would say that aloud, doing so I could only imagine would result in punishment immeasurable in thought. Thankfully I won’t have to, though, as Demi and I have spent the last few days together instead. We’ve chatted on and off, but for the most part we’ve worked side by side in silence unsure how to approach each other. Now’s the time for that to end, I think to myself, as time is burning. As the Shaman said, it’s time for an escape… an escape back to Ebonhawke.

Demi turns my way, continuing to mine, “What was that?”

“How did you - all of you - become imprisoned down here?”

She took a moment to think, continuing her work. “Same way you did.”

I gave her a crooked look, confused by her cryptic message. “All of you?”

“No,” she casually said, “Just me. The rest of this group came slowly. The Shaman first after a fight broke out between his tribe and Humans, and then slowly more and more as rescue attempts were made.” She looks over her shoulder to see no one can hear, “Hrolf though - don’t tell him I told you this - but that buffoon decided to just walk in here. He insists he mauled at least two dozen Humans before submitting, but he really just walked in exhausted from the trip here.”

“Hrolf’s not as tough as he acts like then?” I ask her.

“No,” she replies briefly. We continue our work, returning to silence again as we always do. For the past few days this was our routine, a question and then silence for perhaps an hour or so until another question arrived. For the most part, neither of us thought much of it - at least I didn’t. There was plenty of time, why burn through the questions so fast after all? Today was a bit different  - I let my mind stray on the question a bit longer though.

“How did you get here then? Did you try to rescue the Shaman?”

“No. My story would require a bit more talking than just that.” She let the thought simmer off. She looked disappointed immediately, relaxing her body and slowing the pace at which she mined. She was thinking about something. And I had a strong suspicion she didn’t want to think but speak.

“You know,” I began. “I would like to hear your story.”

She tilted her head my way, her brows furrowed, “What do you mean?”

“I want to hear it. You said it would require a bit more talking, so speak.” I could see her perk up a bit at the thought, as to why I couldn’t tell, but I knew she was excited to start.

“Okay.” She began nervously, easing her way into tale. I can’t quite understand what she is nervous of, but I quickly brush the thought aside to focus on her. Without stopping her work, she began.

“As you have come to hear my father held quite the rank among my people for a very long time. My people back then were just like you - Humans. They lived, breathed, and worked alongside the Gods and Man just as much as anyone else. For years it stayed like that. You know the story - we built the cities, we built the shrines, we lived in peace and safely. Not a worry.” She paused to find her next words, a little shaken. “But then the Gods left. The radiant Syn fled from New Rah first. The city turned to turmoil immediately as chaos and panic unfolded. Mass prayers became an hourly occurrence. Soon after - very soon after - Vakr and Hymir too disbanded this world. As for Zisa and Kara, no one saw them leave but that’s also due to their nature, they were never fond of staying in one place for too long.”

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