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     "I am Groot?" (Devora?) Groot's little voice echoed through the darkness that surrounded me. "I am Groot." (Devora, wake up.) My eyes slowly fluttered open, instantly meeting Groot's own eyes looking back at me. "I am Groot?" (How are you feeling?)

     "Just a little sore." I answered. "Did I miss anything?"

     "I am Groot." (A lot, actually.) Groot smiled.

     "Where's Yondu?"

     "I am Groot." (Talking to Rhomann Dey in his office.) I gently grabbed Groot and sat him beside me as I carefully sat up in bed. I grunted in pain with every movement. "I am Groot." (The doctor said you should take it easy for a little bit, said you'd be sore for a few days.)

     "I can't rest now, Groot. I gotta talk to Yondu." I took a deep breath and forced myself to my feet. I lifted my shirt up to my ribs and gently traced my finger over the long scar caused by Nyromar's knife. Groot was right, it was sore, almost felt as bad as it did when the knife was still inside me, jarring around with every jerk of the ship or Yondu's movements when he walked.

     "Oh, good, you're awake." The doctor smiled as he entered the room. The doctor was a tall Zehobereian, his green skin only visable on his hands and neck-up. "Let me take a look at you." The doctor lifted my shirt up and examined the scar on my stomach. "The surgery was a complete success, and it looks like you're healing ahead of schedule."

     "Surgery?" I asked.

     "The knife caused a lot of damage, we had to use our plasma ray just to repair everything. Unfortunately, Krylorian plasma can be hard to come by since there aren't too many Krylorians here on Xandar. Luckily for you, someone instantly stepped up to the plate to give you some of their own plasma." I looked down at Groot.

     "I am Groot." (Don't look at me, I don't even know what plasma is.)

     "Yondu?" I asked, the doctor gently nodded.

     "I had to have Rhomann take him to his office so I could do the surgery, he didn't want to leave your side. You've got a great guy, don't lose him."

     "I have a great guy?" I thought to myself in confusion.

     "I'm just gonna give you something to help the pain, and you'll be free to go." The doctor reached into the drawer behind him and pulled out a pre-loaded syringe. "This is gonna sting for a moment." The doctor cleaned my arm and pushed the needle into my vein, causing me to sigh with relief as the pain melted away. "Better?" I nodded. "Good. Now, Rhomann said he wishes to speak with you before you leave. Do you know how to get there?"

     "It's been a while since I've been there, but I think I'll manage." I held my hand out and smiled. "Thank you, doctor." The doctor shook my hand and smiled back. "Come on, Groot." I gently placed my hand on the bed, allowing Groot to climb into my palm before placing him on my shoulder and exiting the room, quietly making my way towards Rhomann's office.

     "Devora." Rocket smiled from a chair in the hall. "You're looking better already." Rocket smiled. "I mean, the doctor said they couldn't do anything about your face, but hey, he's not a miracle worker."

     "Thanks, I'm sorry he couldn't do anything to help the fact that you're still an asshole."

     "It's genetic, there is no fixing that." Rocket smirked. "Looking for Yondu?"

Yondu's KrylorianWhere stories live. Discover now