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     "You what?" Oblo asked in shock.

     "It wasn't my intention for it to happen, Oblo." I insisted. "We got to talking and it just happened." Oblo didn't respond. "I'm sorry, Oblo. Please, don't be mad at me."

     "I'm not mad, I'm just... shocked. Yondu never gets intimate with women. Even when his love bots try to go into foreplay mode, he tells them to shut the fuck up." Oblo chuckled as he sat down on the bed beside me.

     "He's mad at me." I sighed. "Everything was fine and then he just got angry at me, told me to go away. I don't even know what I did wrong."

     "You didn't do anything wrong. Yondu is- he's a very complicated guy." Oblo gently rested his hand on my shoulder. "Devora, please don't chase after Yondu, it will do you no good. Yondu doesn't believe in love, he can't give you what you want."

     "How do you know what I want?"

     "I'm your brother." Oblo chuckled. "You used to talk about how one day you wanted to get married and have a family. To be honest, I never imagined that you'd want that with Yondu, but who am I to judge. He's our Captain, I respect him, but he can't give you love, he can't give you a family."

     "Why not?"

     "It's not my place to say." Oblo let out a sigh. "I didn't save you from Nyromar only to watch you get your heart broken. Please, Devora, save yourself the pain. He's not the one for you."

     "ALL CREW PREPARE FOR LANDING!" An automated voice came over the intercom.

     "Devora?" I gently sighed and nodded. "Thank you." Oblo pulled me close to him, pressing his lisp against my forehead. "Look, I'd support you on anything you set your heart on, but this I can't. He's not good for you, Devora. I'm sorry it has to be this way, I just don't want to see you get hurt."

     "Yes, Oblo." Oblo stood up and held his hand out to me, helping me to my feet. I grabbed my coat from the bed and slipped it on, accidentally smacking my hand against an object, knocking it off the wall. "Shit." I gasped. "I'm sorry-" I bent over and picked up the object, gently smiling. It was a photograph taken of Oblo and I when we were kids. Oblo had his arms wrapped around me as we both smiled at the camera.

     "That was the last birthday party you ever had." Oblo smiled. "After you were sold, I was mad at mom and dad. I know it had to be done, but I didn't trust Nyromar. I saw the way he looked at you when he came to talk to mom and dad about buying you. That's why I wanted you to run away with me. I kept this picture, hoping that I'd recognize you if I ever found you again."

     "All these years, and you still had faith you'd find me?"

     "I never stopped having faith. You're my sister. I love you."

     "I love you too, Oblo." Oblo smiled and stepped aside, allowing me to exit the room first.

     "How about this, once we're done with all this, you and I will take our split of all our units and just go crazy. Buy you some more clothes, some of that Krylorian Taffy you love, maybe even something to cover up that ugly face of yours."

     "OBLO!" I laughed.

     "Just like old times?"

     "Yeah," I sighed. "exactly like old times." When Oblo and I reached the upper deck, we fastened ourselves into our seats, awaiting our landing.

     "Did you take the pill?"

     "Shit." I quickly reached into my pocket and shoved the pill down my throat.

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