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     THWACK! My eyes instantly opened as something struck my cheek. "Wake up, Krylorian." Taserface smirked. "You're gonna miss out on the show." I looked around and began to panic. I was sitting in a chair, my hands bound behind me. I looked across from me to see the rat struggling to get out of his ties, only to fail.

     "Yondu?" I thought to myself. I quickly scanned the room until my eyes fell on Yondu who was bound to his chair a few feet away from me. "Captain?" I called out to him. "Captain, are you alright?" Yondu didn't respond, his sunken eyes just stared forward, completely emotionless. "Captain, where's Oblo?"

     "THIS IS MUTINY!" Tullk cried out as a group of Ravagers dragged him forward by his arms. "THIS IS MUTINY!"

     "TULLK!" I cried out. The Ravagers shoved him in between the doors of the exit, quickly shutting it behind him as he tried to escape. They all jeered at Tullk, mocking his cries for help. Tullk frantically slammed his fist against the window.

     "YOU'RE SCUM!" The Ravagers laughed with amusement as others cheered and waved at Tullk from the other side. One Ravager stepped forward and smiled before finally slamming his hand onto the button, causing the door to open.

     "NO!" Tears brimmed my eyes as Tullk descended into space. His face went pale as I watched the life get sucked from his body. The Ravagers laughed and taunted him with waves and middle fingers as his body slowly drifted away. I couldn't believe this was happening.

     "Bring out the bitch's brother!" Taserface ordered. I instantly turned my attention to the walkway as the doors opened. Oblo instantly cried out for help, causing everyone to laugh as the Ravagers pushed him towards the door.

     "NO!" Oblo cried. "CAPTAIN! HELP ME! PLEASE! CAPTAIN!" Yondu didn't respond, he didn't even look at Oblo.

     "NO!" I screamed. "PLEASE! LET HIM GO! PLEASE!" Everyone ignored me and continued to push Oblo to his death. "OBLO!"



The Ravagers shoved Oblo into the exit and shut the door on him. Oblo stared back at me, tears pouring from his eyes as he gently placed his hand against the glass. My lip quivered as a Ravager pushed the button, sending him out into space. His body froze and the light slowly left his purple eyes.

     "Oblo." I whimpered. I couldn't believe Oblo was dead. He saved my life, and how do I repay him? By getting him killed. I should've taken the shot. I should've killed Taserface. I'd give anything for us to be kids again, chasing each other around the large tree down by the pond, stealing toys and snacks from local vendors. I'd give my own life for him to be alive right now.

     "You're the one who killed those men by leading them down the wrong path." Taserface said to Yondu. "Because you're weak." POW! Taserface slammed his fist into the side of Yondu's face, causing everyone to cheer and laugh. "and stupid!" POW!

     "STOP IT!"

     "It's time for the Ravagers to rise once again to glory with a new captain." Taserface ignored me and faced the others, raising his fists in the air triumphantly. "TASERFACE!"

     "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The Ravagers instantly got quiet and looked at the rat as he began to laugh hysterically. "I'm sorry. Your name is- it's Taserface?"

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