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     CLANG! I instantly jumped as Nyromar kicked the cage as hard as he could. "We're home, bitch." Nyromar turned my cage around and unlocked it before dragging me out by my ankles before pulling me to my feet by my hair. "Now listen here, when we get off this ship, you're gonna act as if nothing happened. Don't talk to anyone, don't talk period. If you do talk, I will blow your fucking brains out in the street, got it?" I nervously nodded. "Good, put this on." Nyromar tossed me my Ravager coat and watched as I carefully put it on, trying not to hurt my back any more than it already was.

     I followed Nyromar off the ship and into the streets, everyone's eyes watched me as people began to whisper. "It's Nyromar." "She's a Ravager." "She robbed Broker." I followed Nyromar's orders and kept quiet until we got inside the house where he locked the door and sighed with content. "Wow, you can actually follow orders. You're not as useless as I thought you were. I mean, you're still fucking useless, but at least I know you're not a fucking idiot."

     "What are you gonna do to me?" I whimpered.

     "Don't worry, Devora, we're gonna have fun." Nyromar smiled and walked into his room, returning with a large box. Placing it onto the table, he reached inside and grabbed four cuffs and placed one on each wrist and ankle.

     "What are these?"

     "Something I picked up." Nyromar reached into the box and grabbed a matching collar and placed it around my neck. He reached into the box once more and pulled out a small tablet. He pressed a few buttons before looking up at me. "Ready for some fun?"

     "Not really."

     "Too bad." Nyromar pressed another button, causing me to fly back and slam against the metal wall behind me. "You like it? Now I don't have to worry about trying to run away."

     "I never ran away."

     "Oh, but you did." Nyromar chuckled. "You got off this planet as fast as you could. You knew the jewel was fake and knew that it was only a matter of time until I found out and came after you."

     "Good thing you're an idiot." BZZZZZZZZZZZ! "GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" I cried out in pain.

     "Yeah, that's an awesome feature isn't it? Just a simple push of a button, I can electrocute you and, my own personal favorite, the collar can detonate and blow your head clear to Xandar."

     "You're a psychopath." I panted.

     "You're just now figuring this out? Nyromar laughed and placed the tablet in his coat pocket before pulling out the last two items from the box. "I found us some new toys to enjoy, Devora." I looked at the objects and shuddered with pure terror. A long, barbed whip and a large knife. "This is gonna be so much fun, just like the old days, right?" Nyromar picked up the knife, running his thumb against the edge to test the sharpness. "Shall we start?"

     "Fuck you." BZZZZZZZZZZT! "GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Nyromar walked up to me and smiled as he gently placed the blade against my cheek.

     "I always loved a fighter. Don't get me wrong, I loved it when you just submitted to me, but that shit got boring real quick. But you, right now, I like it. It's a whole other side of you that I never got to see.

     "Please... just kill me and get it over with."

     "Why would I do that? I have a big evening planned for us. Besides," Nyromar slid the knife down my cheek, causing me to wince in pain as blood trickled down my face. "you haven't learned your lesson yet."


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