When Snowflakes Fall

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Here's a chapter that starts some huge drama. Thank you for everyone who voted and I appreciate all of the feedback.

"Winter in New York a Gossip Girl checklist. To surviving the cold, cashmere stole for ice skating at Wollman Rink. Jacques Torres hot chocolate for window-shopping the holiday displays and the perfect date to the senior snowflake charity ball."

"B, I have other things to do today." Blair has Serena working our ass's off to help find her the perfect date for the ball. She even has files on potential guys and their qualification. She seriously has too much time on her hands. I have been so busy I almost didn't finish my Russian History paper in due to being Jet lag from flying in from Spain. Gina has been trying not to book me too many gigs outside of the city until the break, but when the offer is too good to pass up you must suck it up and deal with the jet lag.

"Girls, this is the holiday even for high school seniors. The crème de la crème from all the big private schools will be there. The pictures dominates the society pages through the new year. I need a ringer."

"Wait, have all of these guys asked you already?"

"And you had time to organize their qualifications?" I ask eyeing Blair with questionable eyes.

"Of course. And E, why wouldn't I. I need to know my date is perfect. You think Angelina Jolie even considers a project without an offer on the table? I'm strictly a pay or play dater." I chuckle at my friend's forwardness.

"Just out of curiosity, who's in the lead to play guy with no future?" Chuck takes the opportunity to sit next to Blair and me.

"What makes you think I'm not looking for something long-term?"

"Call it a hunch."

"Keith Nelson."

"Are you kidding? Have you ever seen him without gum? The oral fixation alone would drive you insane." I nod my head in agreement. Keith does have a weird thing about always chewing gum. Blair scratches his name off her list of potential dates.

"Andy Clark."

"Outscored your verbal on the S.A.T.s."

"I like an intelligent man, he can whisper mellifluous nothings in my ear." Gross, why are Serena and I still here? They might as well ask each other because no one is going to be good enough for Blair in Chuck's eyes.

"You only thing you like an intelligent man. The moment he gave you a history of the word mellifluous, you'd rip out his sweetly flowing tongue." Blair looks to us for answers. Serena looks down on her now so fascinating chart and I snack on grapes.

"Okay." Blair crosses out Andy's name. Serena lifts her head and is distracted by something.

"Hey, I'll call you two later." She leaves without another word. I try and do the same but Blair has a death grip on my arm and holds me in place. She may be small but she is freakishly strong.

Chuck is enjoying this. "So, who's next?"

After having to sit through that long torturous meeting with Chuck and Blair I rushed home for a fitting for Allure magazine. I was in the middle of them hemming my skirt when Chuck walked in. He looked pleased as ever.

"Where have you been?" I asked him turning, my head to see him walking towards me.

"Good to see you too, sis." Chuck takes his coat off and lounges on the couch.

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