New Family Rules

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Here's another chapter that I loved writing.

I was filled in on all the drama that happened at Yale. Which consisted of Blair wiggling her way into the dean's gathering and then Serena and her going at in front of his house. They got their frustration out through physical altercation but it also brought them closer. Surprisingly my helping Dan find a professor read his application essay brought us closer. We text daily and I can see why Serena and Nate enjoy his company. Once you get past that judgy exterior he's actually a lovable goofball. We've discussed our favorite writers, movies and mostly on my end world travels. Who would have thought senior year would end up like this? Living like a real family with the new Brady Brunch and starting to become friends with Dan Humphrey of all people.

Bart had his assistant message Chuck and I informing us he was flying back in early and we needed to be present at family breakfast before school. We better be early and on our best behavior. Chuck heard from the grapevine that Bart is trying to land a new business deal and when there's money involved Bart does everything he can to perfect his not so perfect image. Which also means the image of his family.

I was up early and dressed in one of the outfits Bart brought back for me. I haven't spoken to him since he brought up the photoshoot at Fashion Week. I didn't even look him in the eyes when he gifted me with his you better behave yourself token. Chuck and I are used to this mentality. Bart believes he can bribe us into being perfect children, but I don't know how Serena and Eric will handle it.

Everyone but Serena was present early for breakfast. I got in my morning tea before she graced us with her presence.

"Why are you all so quiet?" She asks everyone.

"Good morning." Bart says way too cheerfully.

"Bart, you're back early."

"My last rounds of meeting wrapped up sooner than expected." Bart took his seat next to Lily.

"Rushing home to the family. How long's this layover?" Chuck couldn't help but make a snide comment.

Bart didn't seem pleased by this, but honestly who cares. "Didn't Lily tell you? I'm here for the long haul." Chuck and I share a look confirming what we thought. He foreshore has a business deal he needs to close and using his new family image to land it.

"And just in time for our housewarming party tomorrow night." This is the first I've heard of us having a party, but not surprising when it comes to this family.

"Um, I've been meaning to ask you. Uh, can we bring friends?" Eric asks.

"Of course, dear." Lily turns her attention to a not so pleased Serena.

"Oh, did you get the little suit that I laid out for you, Serena?"

"That was for me? I thought the housekeepers got new uniforms."

"Yeah, it's conservative, yes. But classic. Bart brought it from Paris. It had its own seat on his plane."

"Bart bought me a suit?" Serena is shocked.

"New watch." Eric holds up his wrist.

"Cash-direct deposit into one of my offshore accounts." Serena looks to me.

"Clothes from some of my favorite stores in Paris." I state like it's nothing new. Which it isn't. Bart always tries to butter you up before setting you up to burn. It's his way of being nice, but it's more like you owe him.

"Now that we are all here, Lily and I have something we want to discuss. As tomorrow's party marks our debut as a family, we've been talking about what that actually means."

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