Party Fail

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This was a boring chapter to write but it's going to get interesting in the next few chapters.

As a last hurrah before going back to school from Winter break the whole junior classes decided to throw a party at the school pool. Sadly I was flying back to New York from L.A and wasn't able to make it. Luckily, I didn't because one of the students got injured and fell face first into the pool. Now every junior was called for a mandatory assembly by our new headmistress.

"Thanks to the cell phone, that somebody left behind, we've got plenty of evidence of who was at the party. Lucky for you, Andrew Collins will be fine. Unlucky for you, we need to hold someone responsible." The teacher calls Ms. Queller to the front.

"Hello. I'm Ms. Queller. The new headmistress at Constance. It's unfortunate that we meet under these circumstances. I look forward to meeting each and every one of you. I've already talked to your parents at least those I could reach. And look forward to reading your personal essays. 10,000 words describing how you came to be on school property after hours, using alcohol and drugs where a fellow student almost died. In other words what the hell is wrong with you? I'll also be conducting one-on –one interviews until I discover who broke into the pool. And initiated the party. That person will be expelled. If that person is not identified then you'll all face expulsion."

To say that everyone was worried out of the mind about the promise our new headmistress gave would be an understatement. Everyone walks out of the assembly together.

"We all know how this works?" Blair asks everyone

"Look, no one talks, no one gets into trouble." Chuck reminds everyone

"Who did break in, anyway?" Nate asks not understanding the meaning of we're not going to talk about it.

"I guess we don't have to worry about Nate cracking under pressure." Chuck concludes.

"So, are we all agreed?" Blair asks. The lack of objection from our class solidified our agreement.

Dan though has been squirming in his boots since we started talking. "Look, Blair. I know you have your sight set on Yale, but this skull and bones stuff is a bit much. Don't you think?" He asks looking worried.

Blair doesn't seem to mind. "Maybe, but it works. Every time." We all separate going to our classes.

"Eloise Bass. Star student here at Constance with aspirations to become a business mogul. And on top of that, you're a model on the rise. From my understanding, you were not at this party on Saturday due to you flying back in from across the country."

"Yes, ma'am. I just want you to know how incredibly sorry I am for what happened at this party. Even though I did not take part in it I do feel for Andrew for being injured."

Headmistress Queller looks at my file again before placing it on her desk. "Miss. Bass I understand from speaking with your teacher's and your manager that you are a very dedicated and hardworking individual. You also have one of the cleanest reputations in this whole school."

I know she thinks I will just drop all my secrets on her but that's where she's wrong.

"I'm going to ask once Miss. Bass. Do you know who broke into the school?" I sit straighter in my chair and smile at her.

"I was not made aware of this party until it was in full swing. I was flying across the country and was busy planning fashion week to even be bothered by this party. I may be friends with some of the individuals involved, but I am as clueless as you are about who initiated the party." Ms. Queller wasn't liking my answer but she released me from her meeting.
What sucks more about this party thing is the fact even though I was not involved in the party I still had to write the 10,000-word essay with the rest of the Junior class. I tried getting out of it but Ms. Queller said no exceptions. Everyone involved or not should know how serious she is about dishonesty and punishing those who do wrong. But we don't do punishment without turning it into a party. Blair hosted a get together that involved music, drinks, food, and I guess a little bit of writing our essays. I find Chuck with a drink in hand not giving a care in the world I begin writing my essay when Dan stomps over towards us.

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