Ivy Week

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"There's plenty of upside to being the spawn of the fabulously wealthy, but the downside super successful parents except nothing less from their offspring and when it comes to college that means the Ivy's. It's more than just getting into college, it's setting a course for the rest of your life and for these who aren't legacies, the pressures are no less. When parents have sacrificed for their children's future, what kid would want to let them down?"

The only plus side about being a child of Bart Bass was the lack of pressure to get into an Ivy League school. Bart built his fortune from the ground up without an Ivy education and has always encouraged Chuck and me to find something that we're passionate about and to go for it. And that's exactly what I plan to do.

"Thank you, ladies. Good morning students. I ask all of you to show a little sympathy for our junior class. They are almost through with Ivy week. As is our long-standing tradition, the Constance Billard girls will be in charge of Friday night's mixer and St. Jude's boys will provide the ushers for the visiting representatives." Headmistresses looked at all of us before continuing

"For those of dreaming of attending an Ivy League school this mixer is the most important event of your life." The tension can be felt as another teacher said no pressure.

"At tomorrow night's mixer, Blair Waldorf will announce the charity her community outreach committee will honor this year." Everyone clapped in appreciation for Blair and everything she does.

"Have you seen Serena?" Kati asks Blair and when Blair looks pissed she looks to me.

"I wonder where she is." Is said to me

"Know what I wonder? How we're supposed to hear anything about Yale with all this talk about Serena." You don't mess with Blair and her dream of attending Yale.

"Don't worry Blair, you'll get into Yale. Your perfect Yale material." She smiles at my encouragement.

"I know I'm perfect for Yale E, but it takes more than perfection to truly get into Yale." Blair averts her attention back to our headmistress.

Everyone was released from the assembly. Blair had all her minions and I huddled around her to discuss Friday's mixer. The boys have it harder than us since they have interviews to decide who will be chosen as Ushers. Chuck didn't care and it showed when he did some weed before his interview.

As we leave we run into a frazzled Serena.

"Aww too bad you missed the assembly. Not that it matters, Brown doesn't offer degrees in slut.' I pinched Blair.

"Ow! E that hurt."

"Stop being overly bitchy." Blair glares at me and rushes away from me and Serena with Kati and Is following right behind her.

"Thanks for always standing up for me E." Serena hugs me

"Serena, you and Blair are my best friends. When one of you is treating, the other wrong I will never hesitate to set the other straight. You honestly didn't miss anything, but don't be late for the mixer tomorrow." Dan spots us and Serena and he do an awkward stare down.

"Well, I'm going to head to class. Serena, see you in gym."

When I said see Serena in gym I didn't think I would be bearing witness to her and Blair having a full out fight. I t got so intense that they both ended up on the ground trying to push the other off. Our coach had to pry them off each other. Blair went as far as faking hurting her leg and having Is and Kati help her off the field.

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