Dress Fittings

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I had so much fun writing these chapters.

"Hey, Upper East Siders, it's that time of year again, when the mere act of descending a staircase means you're a woman. That's right debutante season. And from what we hear, there's been some changes in the lineup."

This is the night most of us have been waiting for since we could even say the word debutant. Bart has always had a hard time raising a daughter, but one thing he made sure of was I was groomed to be a lady and being presented at debutant season was no better way than to present myself into society. I've done everything right except finding the perfect date, I'm going to end up with one of the guys from my school who I barely know but he will be a good escort. Chuck even offered himself but I told him brothers don't normally escort their sisters.

"I'm actually glad I'm going with Prince Theodore instead of Nate. The further we get from the breakup; the more self-involved I see he was. Always so brooding, so tortured. Ugh. A girl wants Romeo, not Hamlet." Bair says to Serena and me as we walk dance practice. Serena isn't even being presented but is going so Dan can meet her ever so judgmental grandmother CeCe.

"Romeo died." Serena pointed out.

"Yeah, but he died for something exciting, and I want my debutante ball to be something to die for."

"You want it to be some tragic love story that only Shakespeare himself could write where no one ends up with the one they want and pretty much death follows them? I ask and Blair huffs and flips her hair.

"That's beside the point E." I roll my eyes at her

"All I get with Nate is some Rose in the back of a town car, but with the Prince, I get a security detail and a high-speed chase to the Pierre after it's over."

"Ooh! I can see you on the cover of "Hello!" already." Serena chimes in but I'm less than thrilled. All this talk about the perfect date for the perfect night reminds me that I don't have half of that.

"Yeah, well, try the New York Times." Blair and Serena are laughing but I'm not feeling the dream like they are. Since Blair has the Prince escorting her the New York Times has chosen to write a story on her, but I also think back to the fact I know she's fooling around with my brother on the side. I worry for him that he's getting more invested in her than she is with him. Blair has challenged him like no other and I feel she will be his first heart break.

"Is your mom mad that you're not being presented?" Blair asks and I turn wanting to know the answer.

"Well, she doesn't really have a leg to stand on since I found out she used to be my boyfriend's father's biggest fan." We all get grossed out by the idea of our parents had lives before us.

"Hey if it makes you feel better I had to get a new SAT tutor five times before finding one that Bart wouldn't hit on." They all gag at the thought of our parents.

"Silly me. Here I actually thought you wanted to go." Blair said

"Uh, I'm here with you, aren't I?" Serena snaps back

"Only because CeCe is here to interrogate Dan." I add which leads Serena to just push us through the doors.

Dance practice was as usual. Blair would avoid Nate until it couldn't. Everyone moved with elegance and my partner and I just reminded me of my mystery dance partner who I've still yet to identify. I even used my father's PI and still haven't come up with anything. Our dance is coming to an end and I had to hurry for my last dress fitting. I was still deciding between two dresses and this last fitting was going to show which one I would wear tonight and which I'll save for another event. It was one of the few times Bart actually spent time with me. He's mostly here so he can have a say on the appropriateness of my dress.

I came out of the dressing room to stand before Bart for his approval.

"What do you think about this one?" I ask turning around in the beautiful red dress that had a sweet heart neckline and off the shoulder sleeves.

"What do you think about this one?" I ask turning around in the beautiful red dress that had a sweet heart neckline and off the shoulder sleeves

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"That's a little inappropriate for a debutant ball." Bart looks my dress up and down.

I knew he was going to think this one was too scandalous, but a girl can dream. I tried on the next dress and my father approved with a few final adjustments to the hem.

"You'll still come to the ball, right?" I ask looking at my father from the mirror. He puts his phone back into his pocket and looks at me.

"I'll try my best Ella, but I can't guarantee anything"

I instructed the seamstress to give us a minute alone. I go and change out of the dress and leave it for her to take and I head back to where my belongings are and collect them feverously.

"You seem upset Ella."

I scoff at his accusation. "I mean dad, I've only been talking about this ball for the past ten years. It's always the same month every year and I've informed you about this at the being of the year of the official date and yet you can't be bothered to support me." I find my bag and try to leave past my dad but he blocks me.

"Ella, don't act like Chuck. I said I will try my best and your brother will be there to support you."

I stand close to my father "Maybe I would like my father there too. Why does it matter to you, you've never shown interest in anything but your company." I brush past him and head to the register where my dress is given to me. I turn to the exit and bump into someone. I groan feeling that it was my father but to my surprise, it was the last person I ever wanted to see.

"Funny bumping into you." Carter freaking

"Carter, what an unpleasant surprise." I try to get past him but he like my father stops me. Do people think I won't take them down so I can get by?

"Can you please hear me out?" I turn my head away but he's a persistent bastard I'll give him that. He leads me to a private area where we can talk.

I place my bag down and sit as far away from him as I can on this tiny couch.

Carter runs his hands through his hair trying to calm himself down. "I don't know where to begin."

"How about the truth." I snap

He nods his head and looks me in the eyes

"What I did to Nate was horrible on my part. I shouldn't have done that to him."

"You shouldn't do that to anyone." He bites his lip and continues

"I've made mistakes in my past, but none of them compared to walking away from you that day in the park." My heart picked up hearing this. He regrets leaving me in the park.

"Why did you?" I lift my head to meet his

He sighs "I thought that was best for you, but this past month without you in my life has caused me to go insane." I try to keep strong and not give into his words. He may be apologizing but I can't let my heart get hurt again in such a small amount of time.

"I can't lie and say I haven't missed us." He looks hopeful.

"But just because you're ready to give us a real shot does not mean I am." I stand to leave but he places his hand on mine. I feel that electricity that I've felt too many times before.

"I understand you need more time but I want you to know I will be here waiting for you. I will always choose you, Ella Bass. The real question is if you will choose me." Carter pecks me on the cheek and heads for the exit.

Do you think Ella should end up with Carter in the end or does anyone have another in mind?

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