Before You Read

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This story contains mpreg (male pregnancy), therefore I do not want to see any comments asking if Niall is female, has female parts or any other asinine questions, comments and /or statements of that nature.

If you have trouble wrapping your head around the concept of a male carrying/giving birth; then I suggest you grab the nearest laptop, go to Google, type in "fiction" and then think about what type of comment you're going to leave.

If you know anything about my writing, you'd know that 95% of my stories involve mpreg and I try to make everything natural, unnoticeable and low-key when it comes to the birthing process. If you can't accept mpreg, then please don't read my stories or leave rude statements because you're only clogging my comments.

I apologize for being harsh about this, but you have no idea how many messages/comments I get on a daily basis about this and it's come to the point where I want to scream when I see someone leaving a seemingly snide comment about mpreg on my stories.

Please stop, it's not cute or whatever you think you're trying to be. It's beyond annoying and I don't appreciate it.

Thank you.

- Sophia "zmelec"

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