Chapter 5

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A/N: I haven't updated this right away because I was in Davao for the weekend. Enjoy this chapter. Remember to vote and comment!



Dan was nervously pacing around the corridor restlessly. I sat on one of the benches, entertaining myself by watching him.

“Calm down, Daddy.” I said. “They’re going to be fine.”

“How do you even know? You’re not a doctor. Not just yet though.”

I shook my head and just fell back to my seat. Dan was cranky as if he’s the one with the hormonal imbalance. My eyes darted towards the wall clock. It was now thirty minutes pass 7. I wondered if he was there already and if he was waiting patiently for me who might never come.

The nurse, a bespectacled woman in her early thirties approached us with a warm smile across her face. “Congratulations, Mr. Jose. It’s a healthy boy.”

The worry spread on Dan’s face instantly dissipated and he suddenly brought me to my feet and spun me around until I felt a little bit dizzy.

“Can I go see them?” Dan said excitedly.

“Of course.” The nurse smiled. She led us to Kat’s room and Dan skipped like a kid behind her. When Kat spotted us, she beamed. She was cradling her newborn son who was still wrapped in a blue blanket.

“Oh my God,” Dan cried as he sat on the bed beside Kat. He poked his son and I swore I saw him tearing up. “He’s—he’s…” He was out for words but I saw him glow with pride as Kat transferred their son to his arms.

“He’s so beautiful.” Kat said.

My heart welled with happiness for my two friends as I watched them silently share this beautiful moment.

“May I see?” I peeked through the baby behind Dan’s shoulders. “He looks just like Dan.”

Dan smiled triumphantly. “Then, he’s going to turn into one fine young man one day.”

“Do you want to hold him?” Dan asked and I nodded. Dan struggled to put his son on my arms. He still needed a lot of getting use to carrying babies. I have duties at the pediatric ward sometimes, so I knew how to hold babies. Little Dan cooed in my arms and I fawned over him. He was cutest baby I’ve seen in my life. He was fair, with rosy and puffy cheeks and long lashes. He clearly took after his dad except for his nose, which I think he took after Kat.

“What do you want to name him?” I asked.

“Dante.” Dan said at the same time that Kat said, “Taylor.”


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