Chapter 4

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For some inexplicable reason, I woke up with a plastered grin on my face. Last night was the unluckiest and worst night of my life, but it turned out to be decent in the end. I was happy meeting Jay and was starting to look forward to tonight.

“Good morning!” Jerod greeted me pleasantly with a bear hug. I mean, literally, a bear hug. He wrapped me with the teddy bear that Jay got me. I start to regret for leaving the teddy bear at the living room when I got home last night.

“No wonder I couldn’t contact you. You were having a ball last night. I didn’t even know that Fred had these kind of moves with him.” Jerod had a triumphant smile as if he hit the jackpot of setting me up with his phantom friend.

“I hate to break it to you, cupid, but I didn’t even meet your beloved friend last night.” I said. “He didn’t show up, so I tried to call you, so you can pick me up. But there was no reception and I had to go outside and then suddenly someone snatched my phone up and I broke my heels. It was a terrible night. Thanks to you, cupid!”

Jerod’s smile faded into a frown. “You’re kidding, right?”

I glared at him with a straight face and he realized how dead serious I was.

“Oh! How terrible! I’m sorry, Erica. I’m so sorry.” He got on his knees. “I’ll go have a word with Fred. If you want, I can give him a black eye for you. That idiot! He didn’t even tell me that he cancelled on you. That guy is a bit flaky anyway. You don’t deserve someone like him.”

I raised my eyebrows at Jerod. Wasn’t he just sugarcoating Fred yesterday?

“But where did the teddy come from?” Jerod asked at about the same time that Kevin came out of his room.

“Good morning.” I greeted Kevin with enthusiasm, hoping to shake off Jerod. I wanted to avoid his question because I would feel compelled to explain everything and I knew how Jerod was going to scrutinize me like a predator. Jerod was like a girl version of Jo. He’s just as obstinate and persuasive. That was why they were perfect for each other. Just sad that it didn’t work out for both of them.

  “I heard the game didn’t go well for Rain or Shine.”

Kevin rolled his eyes and collapsed on the sofa. “Urgh, don’t remind me, Erica. It wasn’t a good game. It’s like Rain or Shine didn’t even put up a fight.”

“I told you the game was going to be boring.” Jerod said. “Jeremy Law wasn’t playing. ROS are nothing without their forward. They have great shooters and all, but without Law, their defence in the paint will just collapse.”

“I hate to agree with you, my brotha’ but that’s just what happened last night. ROS were obliterated in the paint. Shots weren’t falling and the rookie Garcia got schooled.”

“Without a guy like Law who can get to the paint, score or draw fouls, while being at excellent defender and midrange shooter, you can’t expect a good game from ROS.” Jerod said.

I listened to the brothers discussed about the game. If there’s one thing they agree about, it’s basketball. I understood the basketball talk, but I wished I knew who was who. I never paid attention to basketball games now. Sometimes, I watched a couple of games when the brothers are watching, but I don’t follow the games like an avid fan would.

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