Chapter 2

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“Witwew!” Jerod whistled when I stepped out of my room donning a black halter dress while barely managing to stand in my only pair of high heels, a pair of six-inch stilettos that my sister Pat got me for my 22nd birthday. Jerod sent me back to my room three times disapproving the previous outfit I chose to go out with. This time, I finally had it right. Jerod and Kevin looked at me with awe. But if this was the right dress, why did it feel so uncomfortable?

“Wow, look at you! You look so beautiful. Fred better thank me later.” Jerod said, while he assisted me. I shuffled in my dress uncomfortably. Jerod didn’t look bad himself. He was wearing an expensive looking suit over his checkered polo shirt and acid wash jeans. Kevin wore something very casual to a basketball game. He wore an oversize shirt to his lanky frame that had the text ‘You got LAWed!’ in bold letters.

“Let me go grab my keys.” Jerod disappeared to his room.

“Hey,” Kevin said. He couldn’t look me in the eye. “You look nice.”

“Thanks. I like your shirt.” I said.

“Yeah, it’s a special edition Jeremy Law T-shirt, but Law isn’t playing tonight, though, but I’m rooting for Rain or Shine because of him.” He said. He glanced at Jerod’s room and then back to me. “Listen, if you’re not very interested with Fred, I can get you a ticket. You can watch the game with me and my friends, if you like.”

“I’d love to.” I said to Kevin gratefully. “But I already promised this guy and Jerod. It’s not fair to back out now. I should’ve done it earlier.”

Kevin nodded. “Maybe next time, but I’ll keep you updated with the scores through text to keep you entertained in case the guy’s a bore.”

“Thanks, Kev.”

“Let’s go, Erica!” Jerod said while dangling his keys around his finger. He looked genuinely excited for me than for his date. He laughed as I struggled in my shoes. He consoled me by saying that since Fred and I were just having dinner, I didn’t need to worry about walking.

“I’m sure you’ll like Fred. He’s a good guy. He has a great sense of humor, so I’m sure he’s never going to bore you.” Jerod was telling me while he drove me to the restaurant where I was meeting his friend. “He’s good in music. He can play the guitar and the piano and can sing really well. I’ll bet you’ll like him.”

“If you so like him why don’t you go date him.” I retorted. I was still very annoyed at Jerod for letting him talk me into this. When he slowly decelerated the car to drop me off at Kitchen City, I wished I could just cancel and watch the basketball game with Kevin and his friends instead.

“You can thank me later.” Jerod chirped.

“Or I’ll be calling you later.” I said as I stepped down the car.

“You’ll be calling to thank me.” Jerod said smugly.

“Just please watch your phone, Jerod.” I said. I waved at him as he went. I checked the time on my phone. I was thirty minutes early. I didn’t want to seem too eager, because I really was not, but I had no choice since I relied on Jerod for my ride and he didn’t want to be late for his date, too.

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