Beyond p.17

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A sigh of relief escaped my lips, U.S. History, the last class of the day. After what Tammy told me, I started to pay attention to the student body. I didn't like the feed back that I recieved, some of the girls gave me poinsonous looks, making my head quickly turn. I was nore than sure that before I even started paying attention, their looks weren't so sour. Some of the guys in the school, look at me like a piece of meat, eye candy. It's going to be hard to ignore the looks now that I know what they look like.

I'm not staying for lunch.

"Oh my gosh! Guess what!" Tammy said next to me, I didn't know where she came from

"What?" I wasn't good at faking emotion,s but Tammy kept rambling on

"Guess who asked me to the dance!" I didn't feel like guessing, but she was waiting for an answer, it was obvious by her mood

"Nereus." I sighed

"Yea! How'd you know!"

"Lucky guess." I spoke walking down the now empty hall with Tammy

"Hey, don't you want to get lunch?" she asked noticing that we weren't headed towards the mess hall

"I'm not in the mood, I just want to go home." I said honest, she shrugged and followed me to the car circle, she kept rambling on about Nereus and how the other girls were asking her what happened, her voice faded, and I went in deep thought. I haven't seen my four angels today, I wondered where they were, Zephan's SUV was in the student parking lot.




A hard push brought me back to earth, "Ow! Tammy what!" I yelled looking at her, rubbing my arm

"Didn't you hear me! I said that they're fighting!" she said defensive,

"I don't care about a fight at the moment now Tammy."

"You didn't hear me! I said that Josh and Zephan are fighting!" she pointed to a chanting teenage crowd making a circle around two fighting boys, it was hard to see, but the figures made out to be what Tammy said. Before I knew it, Tammy was dragging me to the scene, when we reached the crowd she let me go and started shoving people out the way. We were in the front in a matter of seconds, I looked down in horror at the veiw.

Josh was on top of Zephan, punching him like there was no tomorrow, Zephan kicked him off and quickly tackled him. He started swining at him, and blood stained his hands after the second blow to the face. Uriah and Nereus quickly broke through the crowd, and ripped Zephan off of Josh. Josh got up and started at Zephan, but Remiel held him back. Josh struggled to get free from the grip, but he wasn't going anywhere, so he decided to yell.

"You peice of shit!"

"Need I remind you, you're the one that looks like shit." a smirk curled across Zephan's face, his flawless face. Josh didn't get a scratch on him, but Zephan on the other hand, left Josh with a bloody mouth and a bloody nose. Zephan pulled his arms free, and walked through the crowd, in the direction of his car with Uriah and Nereus behind. Remiel waited a few moments for Josh to cool down, and followed the others, the crowd quickly died down. It was only me and Tammy left to see how Josh would coop, he spit the blood out from his mouth and wipped away the rest with his shirt, exposing his define muscels.

There was no right word to explain the pitty I felt for Josh, he's really a good person, but he has lots of stress to deal with. He looked up, and his eyes met mine, he slowly stared walking towards Tammy and I. Tammy put her hand on my shoulder, trying to guide me away, "Come on, you don't need this." but I wouldn't budge, I should have, but I didn't; I wanted to know what he had to say. He was infront of me, with distraught in his eyes, he grabbed my wrist with bone crushing strength.

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