Chapter 7 <3

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A/N: Hey everyone (:

Ok i'm sorry for my lack of uploading, I have been busy doing assignments and studying for exams not to mention I came down with a terrible virus. But no more excuses, here's the chapter (: Hope you guys like it!

Chapter 7-

Niall's P.O.V

I sat on the sofa in the pitch-black room lazily staring at the slowly moving clock. I jumped in fright when I heard Harry stir in his sleep and roll over curling up into a ball his beanie falling in front of his eyes. "Hazza, you scared me." I mumbled mainly to myself. "Again." I added.

Tonight had to be one of the most worrisome and alarming nights I had had in a while, Harry decided it would be fun to run off without a word and scare us all to death. Just the thought of him alone and lost at midnight in the streets of London was enough to give me chills. Thank the heavens he was safe. Everyone had decided it would be best to watch over him in case he decided to pull another one of his stunts and run off again. I had offered to take the first turn and the plan was someone would come and switch with me at, 2:30am. It is now 3:30 and I'm still sitting here, I guess I'll be on 'Harry watch' until he wakes up. I couldn't help but wonder what made Harry decide to run off, I mean I was talking to him in the van on the way to Nando's and he was his, cheeky, playful, fun-loving self and then we found him passed out crying. His behaviour had been strange even at the concert when he dashed off stage and straight into the bathroom was out of character, was he sick? Did something happen to him? I snuck a glance at him, he was busy snoring away like nothing had ever happened. I frowned and ran a hand through my messy blonde hair, what is with the lad? I returned my gaze to the painfully slow ticking of the clock; I was bored out of my mind. Well there's no use in just sitting here, I thought before lazily rolling over and scooping up my laptop which I had bought just in case I was bored, great thinking Niall! I quickly signed into iChat to see if there was anyone to talk too and almost immediately a smile found its way onto my face when I saw she was online, Alicia. The girl who I could not stop thinking about since the moment we met. From her beautiful smile to her downright adorableness I could not get her out of my mind. I quickly opened a chat box and began to hurriedly type.

Niall: heey (:

Alicia: Niall! :D Your still awake?

Niall: Yup, had some band troubles, but it's all good now

Alicia: awww, that's no good, thank god it's ok now! :)

My smile continued to grow bigger, she was the cutest most sweetest girl I had met in a long, long time.

Niall: Any chance we could meet up sometime soon? I can't help but miss you

I could imagine the blush on her cheeks as she sat at her computer desk letting her long brown hair fall in front of her stunning hazel coloured eyes.

Alicia: Sure... I would love to :)

I couldn't help but pump my fist in the air and let out a small, "Yes!"

Niall: How about we meet at 4:00 this afternoon and catch up with a coffee?

Alicia: Sounds great! See you there (:

Niall: Cya ;) <3

I quickly shut the lid of my laptop before jumping up and down on the sofa like a madman, she said yes! We were practically going on a date, I was a very happy boy.

"What's go you in such a good mood?" I heard a croaky voice say interrupting my silent chants.

I jumped in fright stumbling over a cushion and falling onto the floorboards, "What the hell!" I cried my head snapping up my eyes scanning for the person who belonged to the voice and ignoring the increasing pain in my back.

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